View Full Version : Head pain and should pain with sensitivity!???

16-04-10, 12:22
Another day, another joyous symptom..

Last night I had a headache on the right in my temple. Today Ive woken up with a pain in my right shoulder.. Thats now radiating up into my head and the back of my head feels as though Ive been punched. Oddly I have some sensitivity to the touch as well..

I also feel the usual nausea but it feels a bit worse today, esp when I eat.

Has anyone else had this, or know what it is.. At the moment Ive convinced myself its the start of meningitis or something else equally as nasty!


sarah jayne
16-04-10, 13:22
if its sore to touch then its muscular, ive had it x

17-04-10, 18:38
Thank you for the reply..

I was trying to be rational and figured it might be a pinched nerve as it sort of feels like its burning when I try and lift something or carry out an activity for a long period of time.. But then that wouldnt cause my skin sensitivity would it?
My skin feels almost like its sunburned when I touch it, that kind of sensitivity (its not burning all the time like sunburn does though).. The fact its all on my right shoulder, back of my neck (right side) and in the crease of my elbow(!???) is whats worrying me..

Esp as it was one of the first things that came back - skin sensitivity and MS.. I really must stay off Google. Im just a bit scared :(

17-04-10, 19:17
Might be a tension headache or migraine. Symptoms sound similar to what I get sometimes. Tiredness, eye strain, grinding your teeth, stress and anxiety can cause it, as can trigger substances like caffeine. If it's a migraine you can get a feeling of poison or aching creeping along your muscles, particularly in the head, face, neck and shoulder area.

17-04-10, 19:30
No, its not really a headache, although yday I mightve agreed as it was a bit painful at the back of my head..
But no, no pains in my head today. Just the pains in my shoulder when doing stuff - the burning pain, and the majority of the time its the sunburn type sensitivity when my clothes rub on my skin..

Thank you though :)