View Full Version : Husband stuck in Washington DC because of dust cloud.

16-04-10, 16:00
I'm probably not the only NNP member who has a loved one or someone they know stuck in a foreign country because of the ash from the Icelandic volcano. I fully understand the seriousness of the situation and the reasons for cancelling flights. The risk of planes being grounded by molten glass getting into the aircraft engines is too risky and life threatening. My hubs was supposed to be coming home this morning after a business trip from Washington D.C and then flying out to Saudi Arabia on Sunday. He is now not coming home. What used to be a few small trips to Europe has now become full blown global travelling. The nature of his job means that some of these meetings will continue for the next few months. So that means travel to China and Mexico as well as Switzerland and Europe. I know I should be grateful that he has a job but inside I'm twitchy and jittery and feeling sorry for myself. I have spoken to at least three people who have been affected by the dust cloud from the volcano so I know I am not alone. Plus I find it very difficult to sleep when he is away. Sorry for the rant. EJ.

16-04-10, 17:16
Well done for getting that off your chest. You're :welcome:

From what I've read he really is far safer being nowhere near the high altitude dust even if it means you don't get to see him soon. Its doubly unfortunate that you miss him so much, and that it makes you so anxious. The foreign travel thing often seems to increase in that type of job, so your not alone in that either. You might benefit from trying to create a "when he'd not here" social life for yourself if that's possible. Or a voluntary or part time job. Obviously you might have other issues that prevent that. :hugs:

You might look at herbal products or relaxation techniques to help you get to sleep. Bad sleep will not help your anxiety.

16-04-10, 18:36
Dear Kevin you really are a wonderful person. I really hope I can meet you next week but at the moment it seems unllikely as I might have to look after my son. I have an embarsssingly large social life (how did that happen?) I work twenty seven hours a week in a specialist shop and socialise with the people that I work with. I belong to three choirs (I rehearse one of them tonight) I also belong to a local health club and do pilates once a week and swim when I have the energy. Also Church. I really am very lucky (blessed?) I have been out to the new Zizzis in town this week with two of my (male) friends all very amicable. I am annoyed that this year his work is preventing us from doing the things that we normally enjoy together. He is rarely home before 9pm and leaves at 7am. This is the norm in his job. However we cannot go to the Chelsea Flower Show this year ( around the time of our wedding anniversary) because he will be away again. If the Conservatives get in they might disband the body that he works for and he might go back to working for a large organisation in the city again. At least I might get to see him more. At least I am well at the moment and can cope without him. Thanks for replying.

16-04-10, 23:14
Hi Elizabeth,My hubby was due home yesterday,he is in Dubai waiting for his flight,which supposed to leave Heathrow.I hope he gets home soon.:)

16-04-10, 23:37
I hope you husband gets home soon too Ronny. I expect to see mine towards the end of next week hopefully.

17-04-10, 13:33
Oh well, at least you don't sit at home mopping. :D I was worried you did.

It may be that you are so busy the rest of the time that when you get home alone it hits you rather hard. Too big a contrast. I've noticed a fair few anxiety suffers that live a hectic life, I suspect to blot out the anxiety. The trouble is whenever they stop for some reason it hits them like a cold bucket of icy water.

Do you talk to your hubby a lot over the phone/internet/webcams/etc? It might help you to feel more connected when he's away.

17-04-10, 14:10
I feel for you ElizabethJane. What a disappointment. My son is stuck in New York and it's costing him a fortune in hotel rooms. He's also got a short supply of his epilepsy meds. I've told him to go to a pharmacy and explain the situation. He sounds very depleted because it was the end of his holiday and he's skint!! What a horrible situation. I hope it all gets sorted out asap and that you have your husband back soon.
Myra x:hugs:

17-04-10, 17:47
Dear Myra I knew I wasn't the only one whose loved one was stranded. I have spoken to N today 7.30am their time and he has been to 'Gap' in Washington somewhere and bought some clothes for Riadyh. There are some other people out there from the B of E and other stranded delegates. He hopes to fly to Riyadh tomorrow. I have had a quiet day with my son although the weather has been glorious. It still remains to be seen whether things will start to move again tomorrow.

17-04-10, 18:19
Mine is in the states too Elizabeth, I understand exactly how you feel ! I am used to him going away for his work now and again, but it is the 'I don't know when I will be back' that is hard to deal with isn't it. I felt VERY panicky this morning, but have my parents near by so decamped over there for a while. I have friends locally too, and back to work on Monday, so hopefully time will pass quickly. I think it looks like things won't be moving along for another day or so doesn't it. :weep:

19-04-10, 18:41
Hi Elizabeth - I'm brand new here. My husband is stuck in Frankfurt. His flight home to Calgary was supposed to leave on Saturday, but it was cancelled. He is re-booked for a flight this Friday, but it all depends on whether or not they lift flight resrictions. *sigh*. I get anxiety once every couple of years...it lasts for days. I can't eat (or I feel sick to my stomach), I have a hard time sleeping and doing daily tasks. My anxiety came on after his flight was cancelled on Saturday and it's pretty bad today. I feel silly because I know that he'll get home eventually...but trying to calm myself down seems impossible.
I hope your husband makes his way home soon, and safely :)

19-04-10, 19:14
Dear Amirra I hope you husband can return home soon. I am not sleeping well and have experienced 'funny' feelings again which I assume are panic attacks. N my husband has phoned to say that he is now in Riaydh. His meeting finishes on Thursday and he hopes to come home on Friday. If he can't get home he will probably be flown to Dubai which is more westernised. I have heard this evening that British aerospace are allowing some flights from 7pm tomorrow.

19-04-10, 20:28
My fingers are crossed for you. Hopefully by the end of the week everything will return to normal as far as air travel is concerned.

22-04-10, 21:56
I would just like to add that hubs arrived home this afternoon after thirteen hour flight from Riyadh. I hope Ronny and Amirra your husbands come home safely soon. I'm alright at least until the next flight (Mexico) or the next volcano errupting. Take care everyone. Thanks for listening. Now I have just got to get my sleeping right......