View Full Version : Hello, I'm Iain

16-04-10, 17:36
Hi there everyone - I am Iain, have used this site for a while but never had the courage to actually register and participate - perhaps I was in denial!?! Anyhoo, I'm now here - I'm not sure what I'd like to achieve here but some new folks to chat to would be a very good start...

I have suffered from Anxiety/Panic attacks for some years now, went undiagnosed for long enough until I changed GP's and finally realised that I was -

a: Not about to die
b: Not schizophrenic
c: Not going to run amok and destroy everything in my path
d: Not alone

I have been better for a while but some major changes in my life happened over the last 2 years which has unfortunately set me back a bit. So, without wanting to lay myself out completely, Hello, here I am, look forward to whatever this site has to offer.



16-04-10, 17:37
Hi macladd

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

Vanilla Sky
16-04-10, 17:38
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome: Paige x

16-04-10, 17:47
Hello Iain,
Welcome to NMP. Your points a) to d) are the fears that so many anxiety sufferers fear!! So, you are not alone. You will get a lot of comfort from this site because members know exactly how you feel.
Myra x:hugs:

16-04-10, 18:18
Hi Iain,

I just wanted to say hello and to say welcome to the site. I'm afraid of earthquakes, so I won't go to california.


16-04-10, 18:32
oh and sometimes i feel like i'm going out of my mind (schizophrenic).
and i pay lots of attention what I dream. A long time ago I was sleeping and I didnt know I was sleeping. I had cats and a girlfriend named Carrie. We were in bed and I started to hear voices. I thought to myself, it's just the cats. Then I realised that cats dont talk and the voices started to get louder and louder until it sounded like a very loud crowded restraunt. At that point I started to panic, go figure I had a panic attack in my sleep. I started to yell for Carrie. I thought I was actually yelling out loud cuz I didn't knwo I was sleeping. I couldnt move and after yelling for Carrie 3 or 4 times, I actually managed to call her name for real and my arm slammed down beside me. She said what and I got all upset with her cuz I had to call her name several times before she helped me.

I called my mom that night and I was frantic and scared, crying. I thought I was developing multiple personalities.

Last night I dreamed I was in a suv on a very steep inclined drive way and at the end of that drive way was the ocean. The SUV lost it's breaking or park and started to role into the ocean. I ended up sinking in the car, in the ocean. I think it's safe to say I dreamed of dieing last night.

Cheers :)

So maybe I can relate to you a little.



I really like this site.

16-04-10, 18:36
Hi Iain and welcome to the site.

Veronica H
16-04-10, 18:36
:welcome:Iain. Glad that you have found us. :bighug1:


17-04-10, 19:25
when times are hard keep smiling and just say that there is no way you are goingto give in to a load of nonsense
