View Full Version : Citalopram withdrawl yes or no?

Desprate Dan
16-04-10, 18:31
Hi All, After switching from Citalopram 40mg to Mirtazapine 15mg without any withdrawl just a straight swap, the first 2 days were great, slept well felt refreshed and energized and just felt really good. Day 3 woke up this morn and somethings not right keep getting this strange sensation pulse through my body... Cant really discribe it like a unreal feeling floods my body it only lasts a seconds. I know i went on my docs advice and against that of some of you forum members. Do u think its withdrawl and could i expect more? DAN

16-04-10, 20:47
Hey Dan,

What you are experiencing is the withdrawal from Srri's (electric shock syndrome), when I withdrew from citalopram 40mg-0mg in 1 week and then went on mirtazipine I had those for around 3 weeks....mine were constant though, everyday all day, it was awful, but as my Gp wanted me to have the mirtazipine in my system as soon as poss I had to just ride the storm. It is a very wierd feeling, you might find it eases and you dont have it as bad as I did, but at least you know it is perfectly common and normal. It will pass. Good luck with the mirtazipine, I am glad I went onto them, I too have a lovely nights sleep....watch out for the wierd dreams...I had some corkers!!!
