View Full Version : Black Feline's life!

Black Feline
16-04-10, 20:28
Well, I suck. I hate myself because I'm ugly and I'm to nice. I let people borrow my stuff all the time. And that SUCKS. I'm really to nice. On the outside, I'm a sociable girl, But on the inside,
... I'm in hell.
And my family sucks. I decided to cut of all connections with my parents and my little brother. Ever since my bro came in my life, he has all the attention and it's ALWAYS my fault. He's 6 now. Same thing now, he's my parents favorite.
All i know about my parents are there names. That's all. WOW.
I "recently" started cutting myself. That helps a lot. When I'm angry.
All i want is someone to talk to.

16-04-10, 20:30
Hi Black Feline

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

16-04-10, 20:41

Welcome to NMP.....hope you find lots of help and advice on here, there are alot of friendly people. Good luck on your journey.


16-04-10, 20:56
Hello Black Feline,

Welcome to the site! I hope you find the support and friends you need here! Im sorry life seems to be awful right now.I hope it gets better for you! xx

16-04-10, 21:14
Hi there

I am so sorry that you feel so desperate about your life. Have you tried to talk to your parents about how you are feeling? If you feel you can't talk to them then you could try writing a letter to them. It's a really good way of getting all your feeling out there and will also let your parents know how sad you feel.

Self harming won't solve anything huni, by doing this..you are only hurting yourself, possibly scarring your body for life so please try not to do that.

Please try to talk to your parents



margaret jones
16-04-10, 21:18
Hi to you welcome to this site i joined last yr and have made many friends and helpfull advice I hope you find the help that you need

Please Take Care Maggie

16-04-10, 21:48
When I was I like 16 I didn't slit my wrist, but I'd cut into and bleed and imagine killing myself. That was cuz of a guy. Later when I was older living with my mom in Vancouver, Washington, I was so sick inside that I took something sharp, I forget what it was, and went into the bathroom. I laid on the floor and began started to pick at my arm while I cried in pain. Those are the only two times I actually resorted to that kind of behavior and I still have the scars on my wrist and arm from both times. I had to tell my mom and brother that I snagged my arm on the fense outside.

I know that sometimes that physical pain helps to relieve that mental pain. I don't know why I didn't become a chronic cutter and I don't know why I stopped, but if you use some good old fashion commen sence, you should come up with lots of reasons as to why you shouldn't cut yourself.
like: 1. you get life time scars. 2. when you're all grown up you're gonna have to face the cut throat world we all live in and you don't want those scars on the outside. I can't think of anymore atm, but I think those first two reason are really good ones.

Best wishes and I hope you feel better,

Black Feline
18-04-10, 19:16
THANKS FOR ALL THE SUPPORT!!! It makes me feel soooo happy to read all these comments and advice. :D

18-04-10, 20:03
try writing down how you feel :) i find this helpful

Black Feline
18-04-10, 20:15
To bottleblond:( I didn't want the thing to underline it) Well, it would end up like this: My mom and me are close. I tell her or wright her a letter, she shows my dad, my dad would yell at me for 2 houres and repeat whats good and bad etc... I would be pissed.
My parents don't really care about me. My brothers on 1st place for them.
To mentaljail: Love your arguments, I think your right about everything.
Anyway, thanks for the support you guys!:D All you guys!!!:yesyes:

19-04-10, 08:25
Hey :) Welcome to the forums. I have been here a while now and had lots of help and support and made some fantastic friends along the way.
Just wanted to let you know I too have self harmed and trust me it may help at that moment but not in the long run. I'm really sorry you are feeling this way but i'm sure you will get lots help here, everyone is really nice.

Kez x :)

20-04-10, 06:02
Hi Black Feline

Welcome to NMP. You'll find plenty of support on this site. Sorry about your situation, please feel free to chat anytime.

Take care
