View Full Version : Ecstasy and Anxiety and Depression

Desprate Dan
16-04-10, 22:40
Does anyone know if taking Ecstasy can lead to anxiety and depression???????????

I have taken Ecstasy in the past so wonder if this has anything to do with my current condition, my mates have also taken it but they are fine..

Ecstasy gave me such a great feeling of wellbeing better than antidrepesant i have tried, it lifts your mood makes you feel caring loving and just genrally lovelly and friendly and sociable, my freinds said that it was once used as an antidressant in the form of MDMA, but i dont know if thats true.. He said its extremely rare of anyone to die from taking Ecstacy death normally occurs through dehydration and overheating by the person dancing to much and not drinking??

My freinds still go clubbing, but i dont go because i cant face it with my Anxiety the thought sends me into a panic, my friends said just do an "E" do you think its would be safe to do Ecstasy whilst on Mirtazapine and Propanolol??


16-04-10, 23:26
No I definately don't think you should take ecstasy if you are taking any other medication. If you are already suffering from anxiety, this will probably make you worse. Your friends probably don't get anxiety because they are not pre-disposed to it. I know that if I drink too much alcohol, the next day my anxiety goes into overdrive. So my advice is don't mix medication with other mind altering drugs.:lac:

16-04-10, 23:29
i went through a phase at uni of doing e. one night i had a massive attack whilst on drugs. this is where my anxiety has stemmed from i think, the idea of not being in control and something happening to me. it got better after a while but now even the thought of someone else being on E around me really freaks me out. i can really relate to what you are saying. do not take drugs if you are overthinking, it will not make a good experience. the only way u can take them is with an open mind and you shouldnt mix with meds. take care

17-04-10, 01:50
No, I wouldnt touch it If I was taking prescribed medication. You dont know what is in the E you get on the street....I used to do A LOT! of E over the course of a few years...Got to the point were I was taking a srupid amount of tablets in a night to get a buzz...It feels great in the short-term...I never used to get bad comedowns until towards the end of my period of taking the drug..But in the long-term I believe it has contributed hugely to my anxiety/depression issues...I did take other drugs aswell..I smoked cannabis habitually for years...I dont blame it all on drugs...But with a drug like E You just dont know what thats going to do to you in the long-term...be careful If you do decide to take it again.

Funny you mentioned MDMA being used as an anti-D....I saw a prog once where they were studying MDMA's effect on parkinsons disease...The results were VERY promising..crazy huh?

And there is a drug used to treat cluster headaches/migraines that is derived from LSD or psilocybin (the active ingrdnt in magic mushrooms) that has proved to be hugely beneficial in early trials...trouble is they dont think the FDA will ever approve it...

17-04-10, 02:04
as long as you are FULLY aware of aware of the risks then you can make an informed choice.

If you were my friend I would tell you not to be stupid and do not take it.

17-04-10, 04:58
HELLO......I am 55 and in my youth I took a lot of drugs.This is what led to my anxiety and panic,along with my daughter,my advice which may not mean much but speaking from experience you should NOT take any mind altering drugs or alcohol with presciption medication.

Desprate Dan
17-04-10, 07:38
Thanks i really appreciate your thoughts, and i think i will give it a miss, although it was tempting, i think it was more to do with the thought of how life was back then compared to my life if thats what you can call it now.

Looking back to the times on Ecstasy life was great i would be very socialable its a very sociable drug and you feel warmth and love for others whilst feeling extremely good in yourself and a great feeling of euophoria and wellbeing i can remember thinking this is the answer if everyone was on "E" what a far better place the world would be to live in there would be less trouble and fighting and everyone one have a greater understanding of everyones needs (One Love) and help each other, i hardly seen any trouble at clubs were people took ecstacy, lots of hugging but no fighting apart from the odd person not on ecstacy who got drunk on alcahol and became abusive and aggresive, that never happened on ecstasy, not that i am at all defending the drug.

But you can see why the thought crossed my mind, my life now is a shambles i have a small circle of freinds i never go out because i get anxious and find it hard to speak to others why and were did it go so wrong???? was it the ecstasy?? if so how come my freinds all have a wonderful life and here i am left all alone with no direction and constantly worried about what the future has in store....

I wont be taking Ecstasy anymore that was part of my past and thats were it shall stay, but thinking back to the times i was alive and so sociable and had a love for life you can see the atraction...

Just wondered what your thoughts and anyone else who had taken this drug in there past thought were..

Love you all


17-04-10, 08:21
Dan,I have witnessed first hand what eccy's can do.My daughter took them at a club and was also drinking,she fell unconscious and was taken to hospital on life support.She spent 4 weeks in bloody hospital after taking this hideous drug and combining it with the evil grog.Yes we do feel nice and calm and happy on theeses eccy's but it does not last,and usually we seek more.I have also seen a young man who thought he was superman,jump from a building and died.He was only 18 what a waste of a young life.I am pleased you decided not to take eccy's anymore.
Take Care of yourself.

17-04-10, 09:16
hello There,

well my thoughts mirror every one elses pal, i too am suffering from anxiety and depression, i took all the uppers going from approx 1989-2001 and i wholeheartedly belive they had a major effect on me brain.

the memories i have are desperate not to come down and putting yourself in to situations with total strangers to keep the party going as such. ok i did have a good time at the time but now i have a totally different life.

just enjoy your life:yesyes:

lots of hugs

ali xxxx

sarah jayne
17-04-10, 10:17
I truly believe that this is what started my anxiety. From the age of 16 til 3 years ago when my anxiety started i took loads of e's. I loved going to clubs all over the uk and getting wrecked off them. Theres pics of me on the internet in my little outfits dancin on podiums n stuff lol. One night i took far too many, at my last count i had 13 ( in 6 hours ) i was sick and felt like i was dying, i couldnt walk n couldnt breath i got taken to hospital in an ambulance, where i had to stay til the following day. Ive never been right since, since then ive suffered from sever anxiety, not a day goes by when i dont worry im gonna die. Yes i had the best nights of my life on them but i also came very close to dying off them. I will never ever touch them again and ffeel lucky to be alive.
Sarah x