View Full Version : symptoms..are yours similar?

17-04-10, 02:26
who can relate to any of this?

headaches, as if theres a weight in the middle of your head.

headaches, in a certain place, sometimes just a twinge, can be to do with movement.*

headaches, like from being dehydrated except for when your not.*

mouth, bumps, STUPID amount of ulcers (about 5 in 2/3 weeks)*

mouth, sore throat, random stabs in throat.*

eyes, red patchs on white bit.

eyes, blurry vision sometimes.

eyes, feeling like vision is jumpy.*

arms, as if i heavey weight id moving around them.

brittle nails, always breaking.*

back pain.

pain in cocsycs, when touched, or just on its own.

numbness/numb patchs.*

generally just not feeling right at all.*

aching pains in stomach/groin.

lumps and bumps down there (ladys)*

feeling like you can't speak properly, words are muddled.*

feeling like your memory isnt as good.*

aching legs.


inability to sleep.

rashes in groin area that itch. *

pain in ribs/lungs, may be to do with breathing.*

feeling sick.*

feeling like you have a lump in your throat.*


having cold hands and feet alot.

racing heart, thudding, irregular beats.

feeling generally down.

runny nose that last for ages.

chest pains.

muscle ache for no particular reason.*

sore arms and legs when you touch them, applying small amounts of pressure.*

pain that feels like it shoots right up you.

so this is quite extensive, iv just tried to think of symptoms i feel like i have, or have had, to see how much anxiety can really be to blame. iv starred ones of particular concern to me right now. i think if we all do something like this, we may find it easier to spot similarities with other people, so we can see whether it was anxiety and talk to relevent people. if that makes sense?

17-04-10, 02:32
very much am sure i had at lest 75% of some of them

17-04-10, 02:46
muscle ache for no particular reason.
racing heart, thudding, irregular beats.
feeling like you have a lump in your throat.
feeling sick.
inability to sleep.
feeling like your memory isnt as good.
generally just not feeling right at all.
eyes, red patchs on white bit.
eyes, blurry vision sometimes.
eyes, feeling like vision is jumpy.
headaches, in a certain place, sometimes just a twinge, can be to do with movement.
headaches, like from being dehydrated except for when your not.


Bloaty discomfort in upper stomach area
Weird/Surreal thoughts
Confusion/Brain fog
Tingling sensations

17-04-10, 09:22
Oh i'm so sorry you're feeling all of this. I understand how horrible it is, I think I feel every single symptom as well. I haven't much time to reply in depth at the moment. But I've commented on the symptoms that are concerning you the most :) Give me a PM any time if you'd like to talk more. I can answer all the other symptoms later for you to if that'd help out :) Just let me know. I hope you're feeling ok by the time you read this!

headaches, in a certain place, sometimes just a twinge, can be to do with movement.* I get this, it's very frustrating. Sometimes it's sharp, sometimes dull and sometimes it's just twitchy feelings.

headaches, like from being dehydrated except for when your not.* These ones are the worst, because they're kind of sick feeling headaches, not just normal headaches. Remember, headaches are probably one of the most common anxiety symptoms, it comes from tension and worry. See if you clench your jaw a lot, I do, and the tension in my jaw causes tension all over my face/head and neck which is the most common cause for my headaches. I find when I'm conciously not clenching my jaw, which is hard, I really ahve to focus on it because clenching it is a natural habit for me now, but when I don't clench it my headaches are nowhere near as bad! Also, how much sleep are you getting a night. It could be tiredness too, overlseeping or undersleeping.

mouth, bumps, STUPID amount of ulcers (about 5 in 2/3 weeks)* I get itchy bumps on the roof of my mouth and the back of my mouth near my throat all the time. I also get a lot of ulcers. These are definitely stress associated. Try rinsing your mouth with heaps of salty warm water. Feels yuck and tastes yuck, but really helps.

mouth, sore throat, random stabs in throat.* I don't know what kind of sore throat you mean, but mine gets sore as in tonsilitis feeling sore and sore as in achey sore. My throat's always been a flare up any time I got stressed, even before the anxiety. It gets achey a lot too because of all the tension in my jaw and throat. You may be tensing these without realising. I get random stabby pains in my throat too, not sure at all what causes this, probably just muscle spasm. But not to worry, I've had it for years and never worried about it until the panic attacks and anxiety started.

eyes, feeling like vision is jumpy.* I get this too, it's because our nervous system is very very very active due to stress, far more active than the average person. Our eyes overwork a lot and our vision is affected by this, with jumpy vision, blurry vision, light sensitivity, etc.

brittle nails, always breaking.* Mine have done this my entire life. Not sure what causes it, some vitamins help with making them stronger, not sure which ones though. This is normal in anyone :)

numbness/numb patchs.* Ugh possibl the scariest symptom of all. It's completely okay though. I get the worst numbness. Sometimes my entire body goes numb which is terrifying. My psychiatrist (who is also a doctor) told me all about this yesterday actually. He says it's nothign at all that's dangerous and we will not die from it. it is just our body creating sensations to try and deal with the anxiety. ometimes it interprets things wrong too. A lot of the numbness is caused by hyperbventilating too. You may not even realise you do it, I don't! What happens is I breathe a lot more than I need to, instead of breathing in for 5-7 seconds and our for 7-9 seconds, I breathe in for like 3 seconds and out for 3. I breathe really shallow too, into my chest rather than deeply into my diaphram. When you get the numbness try breathing really slowly and deeply. It's really hard, but it helps.

generally just not feeling right at all.* just the anxiety, deifnitely. You're constantly so worried so your brain is convinced that soemthing in your body is not 'right' when really it's just normal, our bodies just react to every little thing because of the hightened nervous system.

lumps and bumps down there (ladys)* Women are much more prone to thrush, etc when they have anxiety. it may also be that you've never been aware of it until now, but the lumps and bumps have always coem and gone

feeling like you can't speak properly, words are muddled.* happens to me a lot, my brain seems to get very confused.

feeling like your memory isnt as good.* We try to focus on so much at once and worry so much and we constantly have underlying thoughts that we don't notice. These can affect our memory and thinking without us even realising!

fatigue.* because we are constantly on 'high alert' our nervous system and thoughts and everything is very very busy. We are aware of things we normally wouldn't be and our bodies are in overdrive with sensory information. This means that we use a lot more energy than most people even though we may not be active. This results in us getting tired so quickly because we are using energy constantly without even realising it.

rashes in groin area that itch. * my body also gets rashes in times of high stress, just my bodys way of coping i suppose

pain in ribs/lungs, may be to do with breathing.* A lot fo this is tension in the muscles and tissues in the area of the lungs and ribs. Inflammation of tissue in the ribs is common and this can be quite painful, not dangerous though. Usually it's just muscle tension.

feeling sick.* Anxiety affects stomach movements a lot, I've always felt sick when I get nervous, a lot of people do.

feeling like you have a lump in your throat.* The throat tenses and this causes that feeling. It's not dengerous, just another silly anxiety response. The muscles in your throat contract because of the worry and that's all.

dizzyness.* A lot of the time, like the numbness, our breathing plays a big part in dizziness. Check how you're breathing :)

muscle ache for no particular reason.* Ah this one is easy. This is like the fatigue, we constantly use muscles and stuff we don't think we are. With the anxiety we tend to tense our muscles continuously without even realising. It just becomes habit. This means our muscles are always sore and tired like we've done a full workout when really we are just tensing way too much.

sore arms and legs when you touch them, applying small amounts of pressure.* Part of the nervous system being over-aware of everything. It over-feels touch symptoms and feels more painful, your body is so scared of everything that it interprets the touch as a threat and it hurts more than it should. Mine was horrrrrible for the first few months until I learned to relax my muscles and teach my brain not to stress so much.

Sorry that was all a bit rushed. I have to head out in 5 minutes. I hope this reassures you a bit though. I'm not a doctor so everything I've said isn't definite, but I'm very well educated in psychology (currently studying in depth) and I spend a lot of time at the psychiatrist going through all my symptoms so I have a big understanding of them now.

Please dont hesitate to contact me if you have anymore questions :)

17-04-10, 10:35
I have or have had all of the symptoms you mentioned. Some much worse than others. I think I can even add a few to your list lol. I hope you feel better soon x x x

17-04-10, 11:12
Just want to say a big thank you for these replies guys, especially you amieekid, i will reply on here in depth when im home just gotta go out but just saw this and wanted to say this is all much appreciated, really really it is, talk later xx

sarah jayne
17-04-10, 12:13
I have had most of the symptoms...

17-04-10, 13:31
I have had every one of those symptoms, especially the dizziness, chest pain and just not feeling right, the not feeling right one throws me the most because I just don't feel right I think it's a sign something is very wrong... I'm slowly accepting it's anxiety.

17-04-10, 16:45
hi, ive copied the ones that i get.
was going to do a post about the mouth ulcers!! Im getting a silly amount at the mo. never usually do. I have a lot on my mind at mo, so not sure if it is stress/anxiety?

headaches, as if theres a weight in the middle of your head.

headaches, in a certain place, sometimes just a twinge, can be to do with movement.*

headaches, like from being dehydrated except for when your not.*

mouth, bumps, STUPID amount of ulcers (about 5 in 2/3 weeks)*

eyes, red patchs on white bit.

eyes, blurry vision sometimes.

eyes, feeling like vision is jumpy.*

arms, as if i heavey weight id moving around them.

brittle nails, always breaking.*

pain in cocsycs, when touched, or just on its own.

numbness/numb patchs.*

generally just not feeling right at all.*

lumps and bumps down there (ladys)*

feeling like you can't speak properly, words are muddled.*

feeling like your memory isnt as good.*

aching legs.


inability to sleep.

pain in ribs/lungs, may be to do with breathing.*


having cold hands and feet alot.

racing heart, thudding, irregular beats.

feeling generally down.

chest pains.

muscle ache for no particular reason.*

sore arms and legs when you touch them, applying small amounts of pressure.*

Hope this helps. hope you feel ok today x


17-04-10, 17:05
I have virtually all those symptoms, the worst for me is the feeling sick all the time

19-04-10, 14:10
yep that is the worst and i have this 24/7, like a tight/lump in the throat sensation, but what is worse is suddenly feeling really full and like a pressure feeling in my upper chest/oesphagus, like feeling really full/heavy in the chest/like extreme hunger pains which then makes me feel sick all the time. keep thinking i have something seriously wrong with me as my upper chest and throat do not feel right :(

19-04-10, 14:43
Me too, most seem to be on a daily basis. I`m getting alot of shoulder pain too