View Full Version : Off Balance

17-04-10, 03:59
For the last few days I have being having balance issues. They are subtle but I notice them. I am also having some pins and needles in my feet and hands. I am trying not to freak out but this is starting to worry me. I don't think I have any weakness in the limbs but it is hard to tell. I have tried to give myself a few simple neuro tests like standing on one leg and such and I just don't know what to think. I am in that state where I am not able to think straight and I keep fearing the worst. Maybe a stroke or one of the many horrible nuero diseases so many of us fear. For what it is worth, I am long time sufferer of HA and I know this is anxiety (at least I want to believe it). Anyway, if anyone has any words of support that would be great as I know I am going to be overwhelmed with this fear for many days. I hope you all are doing well and keeping hope that we will all get through this. Thanks

17-04-10, 04:29
I went through this. Tension ALONE can cause both the balance problems and pins + needles. Most likely the pins + needles are from anxious breathing (hyperventilation).

If it's hard to tell if you have any limb weakness, then you don't. Trust me, you would know. You haven't a neuro disease nor a stroke. You would have a lot more problems than you do right now. You'll be okay.

The balance thing might take a while. For me it didn't go away for months. And it wasn't until after I didn't care about it anymore.

I am making a recovery, but it's GRADDUUUUAALLL unfortunately. I'm 8-9 months into my symptoms and anxiety and I'm still not in the clear.