View Full Version : Dizziness, off balance, feel drunk .... anxiety or actual illness!! Plz help x

17-04-10, 13:03
To cut along story short... im emetophobic, have been for the past 11 yrs, since i was 11! This has now turned into a fainting fear and general health anxiety... panic attacks everyday, generally shit feeling at the mo...

For the last few weeks iv been feeling really off balance.. like im drunk! It gets worse when sat there thinking about it.. i try to distract myself bt its still very strong in my brain to keep the symptom there!

Im so worried i could be actually ill .... how can i feel off balance all the time if im not anxious all the time, surely i must be ill??

Im temped to check google, but know thatl make things much worse!

Im just fed up now... everyday im off balance and feel like im wobbling all over the place (when im obviously worse!)

Please, if anyone else has had this, plz help! Im going insane.... is this a symptom if anxiety??

Thankyou in advance x:)x

17-04-10, 13:04
Sorry, i meant (when im obviously not!*) x

17-04-10, 13:20
I have constant dizziness! Your not alone, it's such an annoying symptom of anxiety and unfortunately one of the most common ones. I have some bad moments when I think of having a serious illness but been checked by dr and am assured it's anxiety. Hope you feel better soon

17-04-10, 13:23
Also the off balance thing drives me dippy!

Onwards & Upwards
17-04-10, 19:10

It could be your ear/ears. I've had this and of course I was told it was anxiety by one GP and I had to really stand my ground, it turned out to be my ear.

One thing you can do is stand still with your feet together, touching, so they're as close as possible and stand with your eyes closed counting to 30. You may sway quite a bit and if you fall to one side it can mean that you have a problem with the ear on the side that you fall to.

Another test is to close your eyes and march on the spot for 30 seconds and if when you open your eyes, you have turned in a certain direction, that can show that you have a problem on that side.

Try them, I don't know what happens if you have a problem with both ears though!

Get it checked out by a doctor!

17-04-10, 20:04
I agree that you should find out whether you have an inner ear imbalance as I feel like this all of the time because I have vertigo (which I'm now taking medication for). It is possible that it could just be anxiety too of course but a doc is prob best person to ask.

I know how awful it feels to be dizzy all the time to ((BIG HUG)) xxx

17-04-10, 20:23
Who knows what causes this. I had it for 8 months or so and it ended up just going away. You could get it checked out by an ENT, see if it is an inner ear problem, but this does happen with anxiety for some reason.

17-04-10, 20:48
i know how you feel.
I feel constantly like you do, like ive had a drink or two but i havnt, off balance when im walking andi feel like im always walking to the left a bit and think im a few inches taller than i am and i will tip over.
It scares the hell outa me. Ive also been told its anxiety by a couple of doctors and i wasnt convinced as like you i feel it constantly not just when im anxious. I even feel it when just sitting watchin tv or sitting talking to people.
Ive had a couple of episodes of "spinny" dizziness which frightened me so much you wouldnt belive. Now my doc says its inner ear if its "spinny" dizzy and has given me cinnarizine which you can get over the counter at a pharmacy. I got these as im afraid to take meds and as these can be used from age 5 i was convinced they would be ok!! i didnt have earache or anythign but doc said its not painful, its deep inside the ear.
i only got them friday and im having a glass of wine tonight so im going to start them monday.

i hope you feel better soon xxx

18-04-10, 09:27
i had this a couple of months ago, i constantly felt drunk and was dizzy alot, as im a busy mum of 3 it was hard for me to do housework etc as the more i moved around the worse it was. it was horrible and also i found was worse at night for some reason! i went to my doc and he looked at my ears and said my ears werent too bad and it sounded like something called labyrinthitus (sp?) and gave me some meds (which i was too scared to take as i hate taking meds!!) so i just got on with it and now finally im starting to feel it alot less :) i read up about it and apparently it can last up to 8 weeks or more! go and see your gp and he can tell you whats going on :) hope u feel better soon :)

19-04-10, 04:40
Right now my dizziness is horrible. It's weird like I'm on a boat... and I'm getting throbbing sensations, every time my heart beats my whole body sways. It's all anxiety related, though It's hard to convince myself of that. I constantly feel this is a symptom of a terrible illness, but again that's part of the anxiety.

19-04-10, 12:13
Hi all,

Thankyou for your comments.. went to see the doctor this morning, ears are fine, no sign of inner ear problems or labrynthitus (sp?) so must be anxiety!! Arhhh its so frustrating... for once, i wished he'd said 'yes its an infection, take these and you'll be fine in a couple of days' but nope.. just anxiety, which means i have to do alot of work in trying to convince myself and get on with my day feeling drunk!

Having been emetophobic for the past 11 yrs and with all the symptoms that came with that... this dizziness has got to be the worst! Atleast if im sick, i can still see straight and just go home to bed... but this, i jus feel completely out of control!

Slightly better this morning than yesterday but im on edge now waiting for it to come back (which i know is gona make it worse!)

Doc gave me citalopram (10mg) 3 weeks ago but i refused to take them because the side effects were nausea and sickness..... now i think im going to have to take them!! Anyone on them? .... anyone without any side effects from them?

I suppose we all have to hang on in there! xx

19-04-10, 13:01
I had this same issue last week, went to all night doc's, said vertigo. How is your BP?, Make sure you check that too.

19-04-10, 16:08
Blood pressure was high but that was because i was having a huge panic attack whilst i was there!! So bludy annoying lol
He did all the tests.. eye tests, balance tests, ear tests..... everything seemed normal! Except for my bp bt there was a reason for that!
Just another thing thats anxiety and iv got to live with..... very frustrating! x

23-04-10, 19:43
This is exactly how i have been feeling the past three days. Its so much worse when im sitting at my desk at work. It feels like my brain is spinning in my head, and although i feel unsteady, my vision is fine. Sometimes it comes in waves but most of the time its constant.

22-06-10, 18:34
Started to get this symptom again.... its so frustrating!! I tell myself over and over again that its just anxiety but it doesnt help!
It goes when i get my mind off it.. e.g, driving, gym etc but its there constantly.. but i supose thats because im thinking about it constantly!

Is this really just anxiety? I thought it could be because i hadnt eaten... but i also eat regularly and it continues even after meals so it must jus be all in my head! x

22-06-10, 18:43

Well, this situation is being faced by a lot of people, you are not alone, I would advise you to consult a specialist.I think that you are at preliminary phase so Prevention is always better than cure.
Wish you good health.

Kerry B
22-06-10, 20:13
I have constant Dizziness have done for the past few days and its really scaring me, been to see my GP who checked my ears and said they where both ok. I am going again tomorrow. Does anyone know why we get dizzy with Anxiety?

23-06-10, 00:44
Dizziness along with numbness all over and a terrifying disorientation were the first things that happened to me when I had my first panic attack. (I was 13, I had no idea what it was!)

The thing is, it's cyclical. The panic comes on, then the symptoms get worse because you breathe faster and your heart rate climbs. It can be so extreme that no one can tell you it's anxiety. Really. I still have to remind myself of that all the time.

I feel soooooo strongly that it's clonopin or xanax we need, not Celexa or any kind of anti-d. Clonopin saved my life. SSRI's gave me nothing but side effects.

23-06-10, 02:15
Hi Claire,

Are you taking your medications regularly? Give it a chance to take effect. My dizziness and being off-balance went away after a month of medication. The drowsiness went away after about 2 months. I'm still taking AD and will soon be off them.

23-06-10, 19:31
Its such a horrible symptom because its one that stops me getting on with my day!
Everything else i can tell myself its anxiety and i can try and carry on... but dizziness, completely knocks me! But i suppose if im still scared of it and dont believe its anxiety.. then itl keep on happening!

Nope, im not on any medication apart from the pill and been on that for 5 years so its not that!

Silly anxiety x

27-10-13, 07:23

I got that like twice in the last 2 months.. I was watching TV, laying down and when i got up.. it's like i was drunk. Head feels compressed. The doctor asked me to get an MRI. That is way too expensive. Do you think consulting an ENT would help?

Man.. i cannot even begin to imagine what you must be going through. Stay strong!

28-05-14, 12:52
Did you find a solution to this I am having very similar on going for months now and its driving me nuts, walking is horrible the only thing that is sometimes better is when I out on my mountain bike.

had abx for sinus infection and epley but no joy :(

29-05-14, 15:09
Guys! Just remember this not matter if your not worrying at that specific point does not mean it nots there you brain has a central coping mechanism which mean only about 25% of your anxiety you actually feel even when you are worrying so that mean you have at least 25% less worried at the time but its not completely gone. which mean you still have enough anxiety to make up symptoms as of me writing this I am dizzy as well :(.

Hope you get better soon.

- Best Wishes John

Edit : I get that compressed head thing as well the doc said it needs to be much more severe before they would take me to an MRI I would not be able to go. I would be far too scared.

19-02-15, 12:35
Ive had this on and off for a while. Im grtting it today tok...i stand there and i feel like im moving/ swaying its awful..i do kno i breath funny with my anxiety so mayb thats the reason. It really does freak me out tho im startin to worry about more serious things now :(((( maybe i will ask for scan. Really getting me.down i just want my life back x

25-09-16, 09:36
To cut along story short... im emetophobic, have been for the past 11 yrs, since i was 11! This has now turned into a fainting fear and general health anxiety... panic attacks everyday, generally shit feeling at the mo...

For the last few weeks iv been feeling really off balance.. like im drunk! It gets worse when sat there thinking about it.. i try to distract myself bt its still very strong in my brain to keep the symptom there!

Im so worried i could be actually ill .... how can i feel off balance all the time if im not anxious all the time, surely i must be ill??

Im temped to check google, but know thatl make things much worse!

Im just fed up now... everyday im off balance and feel like im wobbling all over the place (when im obviously worse!)

Please, if anyone else has had this, plz help! Im going insane.... is this a symptom if anxiety??

Thankyou in advance x:)x

Did this ever go away for you?

January 24th I woke up still drunk from a night out. I then had a panic attack after a health scare (blood on the toilet).

Went to A&E to get checked out, all is fine. However whilst waiting in A&E I felt really nauseous and felt like I was swaying on a boat.

It went away shortly after the ordeal but then came back 2 days later.

For the past 8 months have had this dizziness/swaying on a boat feeling/feeling like I'm in a dream or that everything is surreal.

It seems worse in narrow corridors or smalll rooms.


05-02-18, 01:55
Did this ever go away for you?

January 24th I woke up still drunk from a night out. I then had a panic attack after a health scare (blood on the toilet).

Went to A&E to get checked out, all is fine. However whilst waiting in A&E I felt really nauseous and felt like I was swaying on a boat.

It went away shortly after the ordeal but then came back 2 days later.

For the past 8 months have had this dizziness/swaying on a boat feeling/feeling like I'm in a dream or that everything is surreal.

It seems worse in narrow corridors or smalll rooms.


Hello mate,

Did is ever go away with you?

Been taking 10 drops of clonazepan for some months and it went away.

Happened something at work this week and now the boat/drunk feeling is back.


I’ll try to increase it to 15 drops and see if it does make any difference.

15-02-18, 14:27
Hi Jonny,

Unfortunately its never went away. Sometimes I think it goes away but it actually doesn't. I've had it 2 years now.

I can't feel it/it goes away when I'm in motion (like driving) and then when I step out it can be worse.

How about you? Do you find it goes away when driving or in motion?

How long did it ago away for when you starting taking that medication?

18-02-18, 22:34
Oh my god, I’m having exactly the same thing now. Going to the doctor tomorrow and I’m so stressed out about this

25-05-18, 05:48
Hey fairy or anyone else in this thread,

Has anyone overcome this yet, i have been feeling this drunk off balance feeling for 2 months straight now and its horrible, i have had every test under the sun and all came back normal but i still feel this crap.

Don't really want to take antidepressants for anxiety because of side effects but i am trying CBD oil but thats not helping much either and i feel like its something other than anxiety

---------- Post added at 14:18 ---------- Previous post was at 14:17 ----------

Oh my god, I’m having exactly the same thing now. Going to the doctor tomorrow and I’m so stressed out about this

how'd you go nhelen

25-05-18, 06:14
If you haven't yet, see an ENT. Inner ear problems can cause that feeling, and cause anxiety. I have vestibular neuritis and the best way I can describe it is feeling drunk a lot. I've also been extraordinarily anxious compared to usual. It wasn't identified after many tests until I "failed" a caloric test.

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25-05-18, 23:17
yeah i've seen an ENT and done the VNG test and everything was fine