View Full Version : achy legs

17-04-10, 14:33
Hi there
I am new to this forum but have been reading it for a while and it has been very helpful. I have had HA for a while but I think its getting worse.
Recently I was on holiday in Japan and we did lots of walking, since I have been back, 3 weeks ago, my legs have been really achy, my right one in particular and the top of my thigh swelled up. I have been tested twice for clots and my doctor thinks its muscle strain however I am terrified that i have MS or motor neurone or something. i also feel sometime that I am getting pins and needles in my arm but not sure if its just me worrying. Otherwise I am healthy. Please help!

17-04-10, 14:37
did you do a lot of walking that might be it

17-04-10, 14:47
yes i did loads and as i suffer from a bad back i normally dont do any. I am just so worried about this that its really affecting me. MS and MND came into my head this morning and now i cant stop thinking thats it.

17-04-10, 14:49
it wont be ,,when we have walked a lot we dont feel it at the time its after try not to worry its anxiety thats making you x

17-04-10, 14:59
would they still hurt after all this time though?

17-04-10, 15:55
well if you pulled a muscle or really strained them, it could take a few weeks to stop being sore.

17-04-10, 19:08
What have you done since you got back, have you given yourself chance to recover.. sometimes you need another holiday after the one you just had iykwim! Have you been able to rest up for a bit, do warm baths help?

I know myself, even when Ive not had a panic attack, when Ive just been generally worrying, stressed or a tiny bit run down my legs are like jelly, theyre weak and feel like they could give way any second..
And if it makes you feel any better Im probably the No1 worrier over MS at the moment! On a rational day I know its from me being ever-so-slightly anxious on a daily basis - 24/7.. Im perhaps wearing myself out, and when I do have a problem I cant stop thinking about it, then its magnified!

On the whole Ive read (I dunno if this is a good thing to say or not!), that problems with walking etc arent usually the first signs of MS etc anyway..

Try not to worry. 3 weeks is a while, but if youre not used to it, or youve walked more than normal then it probably is just a case of needing a days rest, a nice massage from your partner, friend or machine (i have a few massagers, one for your back, a shiatsu one, and one specifically for your thighs etc.. theyre pretty good if a real person isnt about!).

Try and busy yourself, so something you can get lost in and you might find it goes away :)

18-04-10, 11:22
Thanks for all your help. I am also getting really fixated on MND but a friend told me that with that symptoms get worse, they dont come and go.