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17-04-10, 17:30
i am 18 years old, and in January i was diagnosed with depression. it all started in october when me and a friend started sleeping together for about a month. i developed feelings for him, and when i told him, he immediately stopped talking to me. that same month, my period was 2 weeks late and i went through absolute hell worrying about pregnancy. 4 negative urine tests, 2 negative blood tests, 1 trip to the hospital, 1 catscan, 1 shot of morphine, and 1 ultrasound is what i went through in a span of a week. my period ended up coming.. and i was fine for a bit. but then i started school again and i don't know what happened, but all i could think was "what if i am pregnant, regardless of what the tests say?" which led me to such a deep depression, that i would cry for days..

i currently see a psychiatrist, i'm on 100mg of zoloft, and i'm on sleeping pills.. but the thoughts still remain.. what if i am still pregnant? even though i get my period once a month, i haven't gained any weight (i've actually lost 15 pounds from worrying so much), i don't have any symptoms.. i hate living with this constant fear, i hate the thought of disappointing my parents, i hate the thought of never accomplishing my dreams.. i hate it all.

i just need someone to tell me i'm being stupid, and that i'm going to be okay.

17-04-10, 17:39
Ok "you're being stupid, and i'm going to be okay"! Satisfied? No didn't think so, so here's the real advice women and live in close proximity to each other eg in a family tend to synchronise their periods. When one becomes sexually active this can be broken. I suspect this is the reason for your delayed period.

If you want honest advice, which might hurt, reverse the process tell your next boyfriend how you feel before sex. Men are natural sexual predators they are not looking per se for a long term relationship esp. in their early years. Don't let sex form your feelings, it's not trustworthy enough.

Take care

17-04-10, 17:40
I'm really sorry that you are going through this. I am glad that you have the support of a psychiatrist to help you and make sense of your feelings. If you have had ultrasound and hormone blood tests then you are not pregnant. If you were pregnant your body would have begun to go through all sorts of physical and physiological changes and you would begin to look pregnant. Perhaps the breakup of the relationship and the fact that you are not pregnant is contributing to your feelings of loss? If this is the case then it will take some time to feel better again.