View Full Version : Blips

17-04-10, 17:44
Afternoon all,

Reading a number of posts a few people seem to be having unexpected bad times with their meds. It's two weeks after the clocks were changed (at least in the UK) Is it possible that this is kicking peoples biological clocks out of kilter and causing unexpected blips? I certainly always feel lousy a week or so after the clocks change.

Veronica H
18-04-10, 13:42
That's an interesting thought, and I think you might be on to something there. When our nerves are so sensitised, even small changes to our routines can have a big impact.:flowers:


18-04-10, 15:23
My doctor mentioned this theory to me the other day and think you may be onto something with this (after all I don't employ you in the complaints department just for your looks - you are one of us).

The fact that I'm starting to gradually feel better might suggest that it does take a while for our "biological clocks" to adjust to this shift and is probably related to SAD in some reverse form (it's a lot worse for me when the clocks go back).

18-04-10, 19:03

If you're body can only adjust its clock in one way eg by moving chemical processes forward then with one change in the clock you'll catch up in 1 hour but with opposite change it'll take 23 hours, if you get my gist. It can't tell that your medication is going to arrive one hour earlier, but it can tell if the medication arrives late.

Thank you for complaint about my looks BTW. I'm actual rather charming suave sophisticated and an accomplished liar.

18-04-10, 23:04
...and an accomplished liar.

That's another reason why you do so well in Complaints. It's a rather underhand job, you understand...

Makes sense. I just hope that this blip passes soon - it's been dragging on now for a good week or so.