View Full Version : Dont ever lose hope! keep on going

17-04-10, 18:16
Just thought id post a wee message of encouragement for those fellow sufferers out there. There may be times where you feel as if there is no point in continuing your struggle against an invisible persecutor like anxiety, panic attacks or depression. However the facts are that you have a hidden strength within that somehow manages to get you through each day. From personal experience, I have often compared myself to other people of the same age. I see that they are doing this and doing that, earning loads of money and being able to afford things while I am making the most of what I can do. This seems to be a common feeling we all have and it does us no favours, so I no longer look at what other people are doing and focus on what I can do. We are all individual and we shouldnt feel the need to conform to what 'society' expects of us.

It is incredible the physical and psychological tricks that anxiety plays on us. The are so many symptoms, it is impossible to list them all. I have often convinced myself of many things being wrong, but it is so hard to understand that it is the whole concept of what anxiety can do which brings these feelins about. When we go through the feelings we have, it can be very difficult to accept that all we are experiencing is anxiety! Doctors just dont have time to explain everything it can and does do...No wonder people worship 'Darth Google' when they feel that they are not getting any answers for why they feel so dreadful. Medication too,although a great help to many can and does cause problems. It is far from a cure for something that will not just fade overnight. To people who can muster up the energy and concentration to read this, all I will say is this. Never ever give in to anxiety and find out as much as you can in your quest to defeat something that can be so misunderstood and frightening. If you believe you will one day have in under control or overcome it completely, then the chances are that you definitely will . No matter how long it takes, never feel you have to justify yourself to anyone. Do what you want when you want

Steve :shades::hugs:

17-04-10, 20:57
Absolutely true. I myself have gotten into the rut of comparing myself to others and making myself feel like hell. It's the way our minds work. I could only see my shortcomings, not all of my accomplishments.

18-04-10, 15:52
Thanks Steve...inspiring stuff...am having one of those days you described...

18-04-10, 16:30
thanks steave very true:)

Veronica H
18-04-10, 22:02
:bighug1::yesyes:Thanks Steve.


19-04-10, 14:10
My brain has been acting as if it cant be bothered fucntioning properly for the past few weeks. This came down to me thinking i had a form of vascular dementia..can you believe that??? Honestly! We sure do end up believing a load of crap dont we? lol!

I guess when a particular symptom or symptoms persist, even when you dont feel 'anxious' its the reason why we find it so hard to accept. Yet all you can do is try your very best to ignore what is going on and try to distract yourself with other things. Even though you may say to yourself 'why is this not going away' then you have to ignore it because then the loop will be broken and then slolwy but surely you wil notice improvement

Veronica H
19-04-10, 17:04
:bighug1:Our ability to talk ourselves into a particular illness is so well honed that hopefully we can learn to talk ourselves out again just as quickly, given the practice. More power to you Steve.


23-04-10, 10:59
Good post Steve,

We are all more resiliant than we think we are. Even when my PAs and anxiety were at their worst last year I never missed a single day's work and the only person there that would have known anything was wrong was my boss - who I told out of courtesy.

I felt a wreck but carried on. I'm proud of that and feel stronger for it.

Desprate Dan
23-04-10, 11:46
Thanks Steve, great post and so very true.. Lets unite together and beat this.. One for all and all for one...

23-04-10, 11:48
I hear you!!!!!!!!!! xxxxxxxxxxxx

23-04-10, 12:47
Hi Steve

Great post! :yesyes::yesyes:

Thanks & Best wishes :)