View Full Version : New phychologyst is NO help!

17-04-10, 21:15
I do not know where to go for help but im worring about more and more illogical things and their 100% impossible but im still worrying and dont know why and the thoughts are scaring me. I have been to my phychologyst and i find her rude she says things like "Imagine worrying about that?! your too young are you bored??" and my mum called her up and said how i was feeling suicidal and she said "im not listening to this im going just tell her to control herself" and i even tried calling up a helpline and they said "just write it down and call me back" like they didnt care... and my mum has enough on her plate..please can someone help me because my anxious thoughts are getting more illogical and my phychologyst WILL judge me. Even my mum says shes no help and they even diagnosed me with personality disporder and that really knocked my confidence down. She even told me to stay off this forum. But shes not helping please can someone tell me what to do because my mum suggested to stop seeing them and my anxiety is unbearable please can someone help. :(Im even getting so close to suicide and im so scared of going mad and they really dont care..and its NOT me even my mum was very angry about this... Any ways of coping im scared i will never be able to enjoy life again or be prepared for college. also everyone that knows disagrees with it. I care about peoples feelings i dont go around hurting people. I have alot of intrusive thoughts but i would NEVER want to act on them...My old phychologyst was understanding but this one is rude and say i have a personality disorder Please PLEASE can someone please reply my thread as mine are annoying yes but i have no other help... because this is the only help i can get and i do find helpful i cant keep stressing my mum out she has financial probelms and health.What do i do ?? Any tips on coping? Thanks for your help x

17-04-10, 21:30
your phycologist is an idiot ............. I've been to quite a few, some are nice and helpful and some are useless, selfish and only in it for the money.
can you change to a different therapist?

17-04-10, 21:35
i am so sorry you feel so distressed and let down ( i would too,im lucky to have had an excellent psychologist).about the thoughts,of course you wont act on them,they intrude on you,you do not ask for them,they are a kind of "junk mail"..in that you dont want it,you dont ask for it,but you get it and have to deal with it,unfair.if i told you .."dont think of a giraffe" you would immediately picture one.its the same with the thoughts,its because you are repulsed by them that they plague you.the people who do awful,inhuman things (which are often the subject of intrusive thoughts) do so because they have an absence of remorse/guilt/accountability...whereas you are overburdened by such things.i dont know how to help you but i feel for you so much.i had the thoughts,awful ones,for a while but with rational help i learned to let them pass without crippling me with the desire to self-harm.remember,your psychologist is only one professional,there are many others that are far more enlightened and ultimately more helpful.talk,cry,scream..anything that lets the awful lonely pain OUT instead of it going back in.i send you so much love and hope you gain peace very soon.good people do care,there are good folks on here.
godbless honey
ASH XX:flowers:

17-04-10, 21:46
Thanks alot i was wondering if theres anyone who i can talk to without them being annoyed/burdened? But im not sure how to change because i am with CAMHS in london and when i am distressed and i call for them to put me through to someone and they always put me through to my phychologyst its like ARGHHHHH!!! she always tries get off the phone! But my fears are very irrational/impossible and i dont know why im STILL worrying and it makes me scared im going to or already losing touch with reality :( How can i change my phychologyst ? x

17-04-10, 21:58
you are entitled to a second opinion.its the law and whilst it may take time,it is possible.most good health arrangements start with your gp.
ry just calmly explaining that you are not happy with the relationship and ask for a different person.have you thought of taking your mum to back you up? im just trying to find ideas,im sorry if they are no good!
take good care

18-04-10, 00:03
I was suicidal for many yrs and fully convinced that my life would oneday end by my own hand. After 15 yrs I was dx with 3 reasons, namely, pyroluria, histadellia and copper overload. Research them, and you may find that your issues are not psychological at all. Finding a trained Dr in this method is the hardest part, but Biolabs Uk, is a good place to start. lol,I really feel for you.

18-04-10, 00:11
Go to a different psychologist, plain and simple.

18-04-10, 02:28
Anxiety makes us think and act in all sorts of strange ways, and it feeds upon itself, which is why our thoughts become more "illogical" if we don't find a healthy outlet for the build-up. It's part of the human condition, and any so-called professional who doesn't acknowledge this, and makes their patient feel worse, should think about another career.

The last thing you need, when you are feeling so bad, is someone who makes you feel like that. As the others have already suggested, you do need to change your psychologist, who sounds as if she is worse than useless. Also, think about other options: self-help groups, CBT, changes in lifestyle, etc. Read-up on anxiety so that you know what you are dealing with, and try keeping some kind of record to help you understand how you, as an individual, react to it, and any remedies that you use to offset the symptoms.

I won't say try not to worry (which is worse than useless when you feel like we do), but only try not to worry about worrying. :hugs:

18-04-10, 17:10
Some people get through their exams but some should not and put the profession to shame. Your pschologist is one of these ... it is a shame because there are some very good one's out there and you did have one positive experience with the last one.

Psychologists have to abide by certain codes of ethics to stay registered. No point in taking a complaint unless you have proof. But, I would ask or even demand a change of psychologist on the grounds this one makes you feel worse, not better. You could explain that the other one was helpful