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17-04-10, 23:22
Hi, my name is Charlie, im 20, about to take my law finals.....
They are pretty much the only thing that doesnt scare me

A few years ago i was in a bad car crash on the m4...luckily i walked away from it but the cause of the crash was that my tyre burst...and i spun across the road where I was stuck in the fast lane,lights out, in the dark for 5 mins until the police arrived....not long after this I had my first full blown panic attack whilst driving on a motorway...at the time i didnt realise what it was and was scared i was dying.....

Gradually i realised it was just me being (understandably) a little wary of roads and realising that cars are not held together indefinitely and that i can be the best driver and my car could fall apart around me....i forced myself to keep driving and slowly got over it...although my love of driving has been ruined and i still get funny moments

Last year I fainted whilst receiving my change in Spar....VERY embarassing....i was a fainter when i was little, was checked by specialists but apart from once after giving blood I had not fainted since being an adult age....

This experience however made me massively anxious...I would worry about going anywhere in case I would faint...driving again became an issue...i sort of related my tyre exploding to almost lie the car fainting....as did supermarkets/walking down the road/lectures/tutorials/work as a swim teacher/any shops/waiting for my bf outside work.....everything scared me and i became quite agrophobic...

Anyway my bf persuaded me to go to doctor, i was diagnosed and given a form of beta blockers...however i have not used them as i stupidly read the possible side effects which...yes....included fainting....lol

I went to my uni counciller which was great and really started making tracks (went to a tesco...a big one all on my own)

But recently things have become tough again....I am a month away from final exams and obviously these are stressing me out and the anxiety is coming back again....I am terriffied of fainting and although I know the feeling is anxiety...it sure does feel like what it feelis like to faint! Im feeling breathless...that sort of feeling where u cant breath in....to the point where my bf actually asked if i was ok when walking home today! Im a generally fit person, was a competitive swimmer when i was younger and try to stay in shape
However i went for a run the other day and was convinced i was going to faint and so freaked out!
And walked into town today to meet my bf and freaked out
Im just fed up of freaking out...i work as a swim teacher once a week for 3 hours...its BOILING and i work myself up about it all week until i am terriffied.
I am also convinced i am dying....i have diagnosed myself with everything from heart failure to pregnancy!!! hahaha, i KNOW i have a good heart...i must do or i would never have managed all the swim training i used to do!
Im also regimental about food...because when i fainted in spar i was hungry i am petrifed of being hungry....i eat regularly and am paniky if i dont feel i have eaten enough

Anyway, jsut wanted to speak to other crazy ppl like me....nice to know im not alone :D

Charlie (ps, im a girl charlie !) lol

17-04-10, 23:23
Hi charlie20

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

17-04-10, 23:52
You could have fainted from hypoglycaemia. Read about pyroluria, a stress disorder that often becomes apparent after a stressful event. The research of The pfeiffer Research Institute by Bill Walsh is very interesting. Not mainstream but the only thing that worked for me and explained everything.

17-04-10, 23:57
I have put the fainting down to Not eating enough and coming down with flu (i had swine flu less then a week later).....and as I said, I am prone to fainting (genetically, my parets both fainted when they were younger as did my sister) but we have all since grown out of it...but when ill it is something we get!

Vanilla Sky
18-04-10, 15:34
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome: Paige x

18-04-10, 17:48
Hi Charlie AND A BIG :welcome:to NMP .YOU WILL FIND A LOT OF support here& a vast range of information ..T/c Sue x

18-04-10, 18:52
beta blokers are very good ,they calm the adrenlin gland whitch makes us panic and want to run ,, because it says you can faint ,, dosent mean you will ,, every med we take even aspri have side affects ,, but when you consider the good they do it outweights the bad,, so dont suffer ,, xxx