View Full Version : here we go again

jaded jean
18-04-10, 07:49
hi everyone . I am Jean 52 and am suffering with G A D. but this time coupled with depression. I find it difficult first thing in the mornings to get motivated , sometimes I dont 'come to' as late as 1.00pm I have just been started on citalopram and have had a pretty rough time so on diazepam as well. its awful just feeling that you are just existing for some reason but dont know what for. Hope this does not cme across as too morose but it is early!

18-04-10, 07:59
Hi jaded jean

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

18-04-10, 08:04
Hello Jean

You will definitely find the help you need here. I've only been a member for a few months but when I first started on citalopram I found it so helpful. Please read the citalopram survival guide, it really helped me in the beginning and I still read it now :-)

I too was on diazapam at the start of my citalopram meds and found them helpful when I thought I could not cope with the side effects. 5 months+ on the meds, started on 20mg and now up to 40mg, I am definitely so much better. I suffer with anxiety/panic but like you I am rather an anxious person full stop! I'm a little older than you but there seems to be a mixed bunch on here and they all seem so very helpful.

I wish you all the best and hope you find what you need on this site and a warm welcome to you.

All the very best to you.

Jannie x x

jaded jean
18-04-10, 08:18
hi Jannie thank you so much for the reply. I am dubious about the I would not say long term use of the diazepam as it is only 2mg!!! so yes am ok there. Can I ask something, something that seems to happen when I have a good day and yes already they materialise:hugs: I find the next morning I feel so low so out of it. Would that be because of the meds still adjusting?? thanks again .

18-04-10, 08:30
Yes, I would say it is just getting used to the meds. I used to have days like that, I took them for a good few weeks before I actually felt the benefit of them. I used to have bad days and not so bad days, but it was a good 6 weeks before I felt the benefit of the citalopram. After 3 months my Dr increased them to 40mg, which is told me was the best mg for anxiety, and after about 8 weeks on the increased dose I now feel so much better. Very rarely have to take a diazapam, but still have the odd day when I have a bit of a blip, but nothing that I can't manage. My Dr only gives me 2mg of diazapam to take as and when I need them but very rarely need them these days :-) I used to have days when I would wake and feel low, but as I work full-time I had to get up and get out. The train journey used to be a bit of a nightmare for me but I can do that now with no worries.

I am sure you will feel the benefit of the meds but, as I say, it takes a few weeks to start to feel the full benefit of them. What mg citalopram are you on? How long have you been taking them?

Jannie x x

18-04-10, 08:31
mornings are worse for me to ,, but i just go on have to no point in letting it beat us else we would have no life xxwelcome xx:)

jaded jean
18-04-10, 08:44
Hi Jannie.I am on 20mg citalopram and am on my 12th day today. so probably expecting too much. I have the patience of a gnat I think!! Its because I have always been so healthy and this is like being buried alive. I think I read somewhere else that an increase/decrease might be made in the citapm. later would that be right? of course we all differ in our levels of anxiety/depression so would I be looking at that that??

18-04-10, 08:48
Hello Jean,
Welcome to nmp. Yes, I think mornings are worse for lots of people. I don't know if it's even something to do with wondering what the day ahead will bring when you're feeling so low. I haven't been on citalopram, but I hope that eventually they will make you feel much better. I have a friend who takes them and it made such a difference to her.
Myra x:hugs:

18-04-10, 08:52

I started on 20mg and after 3 months Dr increased to 40mg and I find this mg so much better for me. I had such bad side effects when I first went on the 20mg but I stuck with it and, as I say, after 6 weeks felt much better. Then after 3 months Dr upped them to 40mg and for the first few weeks on the increased dosage I felt a little more anxious but am now fine. I too like you had always been relatively healthy, but if I'm truthful I think I have suffered with anxiety/panic for many years but it came to a head late last year with a full blown panic attack. Compared to how I felt late last year and beginning of this year, I am so much better. I think you just have to give the Cit time to get into your system fully, I really believe it took a few months for me to feel somewhat 'normal' again, but I do still have blips here and there but nothing like I used to have. Stick with the meds and I am sure you will get there. You can always email me if you need to talk privately, I am more than happy to do that.

I wish you all the very best.

Jannie x x

jaded jean
18-04-10, 08:57
Hi Jannie thank you so much.
It has put things more into perspective for me.Hope to speak again soon. no doubt I will as I usually start panicking about something!:hugs:

jaded jean
18-04-10, 09:00
Hello Jean,
Welcome to nmp. Yes, I think mornings are worse for lots of people. I don't know if it's even something to do with wondering what the day ahead will bring when you're feeling so low. I haven't been on citalopram, but I hope that eventually they will make you feel much better. I have a friend who takes them and it made such a difference to her.
Myra x:hugs:
Hello Myra. thanks for the input . It is so valuable I can always come bsack to it to which I invariably do just to reassure myself :winks: