View Full Version : Can't switch off (sleep problems)

18-04-10, 14:27
My husband is away on business at the moment and I have difficulty getting off to sleep and staying asleep. Last night I spoke to my husband at 10.45pm our time his about 5.45pm in the evening. I think that I finally went off to sleep but was woken up by a phone call at 2.10am. I am having disturbed nights every night and feel not too good in the morning. I am having hypnosis to help with my sleep problems and although I am not scared when I go to sleep now I still can't sleep. Reluctantly tonight I will take a sleeping pill. This morning I went to church and had the beginnings of a panic attack ie shaky feelings a feeling of not being there hot and cold odd. I went to the loo and managed to calm myself down. That is a definite warning that I need to sort out my sleep problems asap.

18-04-10, 14:41
maybe it because your missing your husband we feel safe when someone with us

18-04-10, 15:49
thanks Gipsy I am in a bit of a state through not sleeping.

18-04-10, 15:54
ElizabethJane I think not having your husband here has a lot to do with it. The sooner they get this volcano thing out of the way the better. It would be good for you if he was here to give you some support. I think when your sleep is disrupted then it makes it more difficult to cope with everyday life so I'm not surprised you don't feel 100%, any of us would feel like this. I hope you get your sleep sorted out soon.
Myra x:hugs:

18-04-10, 16:42
I feel tired and yet I can't switch off. I have work issues plus re-organising one of our choirs. It is a small choir and the conductor wants us to sound like we did 30 years ago. I work in a small business and although my boss says that myself and my colleague are his 'rocks' business is not doing well at the moment. I have spoken to N at lunchtime our time and he hopes to fly to Riaydh tonight. He does not relish being stranded there but says it might be easier to fly home from there via Israel instead of being stranded in Washington where he will have to find another hotel. There are a few stranded Brits out there including N and some will go onto this international meeting in Riyadh. I am taking my son out to Youth club soon and will try to talk to my boss after that. Feel too angry to talk to the conductor who I think feels because he knows me well can attack me and my singing.

18-04-10, 17:56
Youve got a lot on your mind at the moment EJ ..is hardly suprisisng you feel like this .Im always the same .:lac:Im sure once your Hubby ges home you will feel a lot better .I hope so ..Sending you a Hug Take care of yourself ,worrying never changes anything ...:bighug1:Sue xx