View Full Version : starting new job tomorrow-health worries

18-04-10, 17:09
Hi everyone.

Just wondering if anyone has any tips/advice for me. I haven't been working for about 6 months now due to ill health(thyroid problem) and also suffer from anxiety. I am starting a new job tomorrow and am seriously dreading it. I am having panic attacks daily at the moment and that is just at home so god knows how I am going to cope in an office environment. I feel really tired and weak half the time and anxious the rest and just want to be able to go to work without these getting in the way. My main worry is that I either don't feel well or have a panic attack or panic all day long about my health and am not able to do work properly or fit in properly with other staff. I am constantly worried about my heart stopping or suddenly collapsing annd I know that will be on my mind all day tomorrow.

Does anyone have any tips on how to get through this? I know starting work again is going to be good for me and I really want to get some sort of life back but I don't want to be spending the whole time with my heart racing, feeling faint, weak legs, like I am about to die due to panic.

Kirstine xxx

18-04-10, 17:22
Kirst I want to give you some tips and wish I had some. I assume you have read Claire Week's book?

If not can you get a copy and read it. I know it helps me get through each day.

I do wish you luck though. Just try to remember that your heart has not stopped and you do survive each day. I hope you will be so busy, you wont have time to think. It is thoughts that scare us.

18-04-10, 17:25
I went through something similar about 6 or so weeks ago...

I was made redundant near the end of last year (from a job I hated) and spent the few months afterward being demented by my own anxiety (mostly health anxiety... with some GAD and SA thrown in for variety)

In March I was given a great opportunity to begin working again, and this filled me with dread at first. It meant I would have to leave the house, and the routines I'd set for myself in my most anxious times; checking myself for changes in my skin, hair, eyes, nails, and worst of all, lymph nodes. These behaviours were compulsively 'comforting' at the time - at least, I thought so.

So, I started the job. The first few days weren't the best. By the 4th day, I felt better than I'd felt in months. The job, and learning the new tasks and skills meant that I was distracted, and I was able to break the habits that I'd acquired as compulsions. I was also able to form new routines - getting up, having breakfast, enjoying the sunshine, and heading to work.

Having the distraction may prove to be invaluable to you - even if you don't think so now. Time can be both a hurter and a healer. Too much time to yourself and your own neuroses can really throw off your internal senses. Getting the balance back into your brain, even by doing menial work tasks, can help your mental clarity by providing your brain with much needed relief from the constant strain of anxious thoughts.

The change of environment, even for a few hours each day, can also help to rewire your brain.

I wish you the best of luck in your new job, and hopefully it provides you with the anewed vigour that I feel I've been given by my new job!


18-04-10, 19:10
i was going to type what marley typed, work can help in the fact your brain becomes distracted with the new job, new tasks, having to learn new things. At the start it may be hard, but the more you do it the more you forget about anxiety and get on with the job.

18-04-10, 19:58
hi if you get a change to got to the place to look around before you start it would help . it help me went i went back to work after being of work for some time.
hope this helps you.

18-04-10, 23:41
Hi Kirst24, i really hope everybodies replies have offered you some comfort. I just wanted to say I know what you are going through in a way. I have just been signed off of work because I can't cope with my physical symptoms anymore and the thought of work is awful... however i think what people have said is sooo right, it can be so good and such a change and dustraction... the first few days will be tough, but you can do it, just breathe through it and i reckon it will be really good for you.

i also wanted to ask if it is a overactive thryoid you have? i have got a blood test on tuesday to examine my thyroid and just wondered what your symptoms were etc.

Thanks, take care all

18-04-10, 23:45
sorry i got no good advice

but i want to wish your good luck :flowers:

26-05-10, 18:45
how ru getting on in your new job kirst? xx