View Full Version : Citalopram doseage

18-04-10, 18:29
Hi all

I have just joined today. I was given citalopram about a week ago for anxiety (am also taking propranolol)

I have been given tablets that are 20mg, and have been told to take 1 a day for the first 10 days, then start taking 2 a day, so I guess then I am effectively on 40mg a day.

I have been reading about it online, and this seems like quite a big jump. Does anyone know if this is normal?

Thanks anyone!


18-04-10, 18:47
Hi there

This site is excellent for most things that you need to know about citalopram. You should read the Citalopram Survival Guide I found it excellent help when I first started on the meds.

I started on citalopram 20mg just over 5 months ago and my dosage was increased after 3 months to 40mg and they work really well for me. When I got to the 6 week mark on the 20mg I felt fine but then after 3 months I still didn't feel too good so Dr upped them to 40mg which he said was the best dosage for anxiety/panic. I feel so much better now, still have the odd minor blip but nothing I can't handle.

The first couple of weeks were the worst for me but the side effects do eventually go and hopefully you will start to feel much better.

I wish you all the best, but there are lots of people on this site who will help you get through any bad times that you have, I have found it really helpful to me.

I wish you all the very best.

Jannie x x

19-04-10, 09:06
Post removed by author