View Full Version : Citalopram doseage

18-04-10, 19:11
Hi all

I have just joined today, and I did post this on another part of the forum but then I found this bit and thought it might be more appropriate here!

I was prescibed citalopram last week for anxiety, and have now been on it for a week. I was given 20mg tablets, and told to take 1 a day for the firrst 10 days, then start taking 2 a day, which I guess means I am effectively on 40mg? I was reading on here that that seems to be quite a big jump - does anyone know if this is normal?

Thank you!


18-04-10, 19:36
That seems a high dose to start on.

Personal question: how heavy are you? are you male or female?

18-04-10, 20:41

I'm female, about 5ft 2 and weigh just under 9 stone


18-04-10, 22:42
This may sound stupid but is there any chance you were meant to take a 10mg tablet for the first 10 days then take two?

I would phone your practice and say you have a question about your prescription and speak to your doctor.

18-04-10, 23:16
Hi I definately wouldnt take 40mg yet ..You may find its a lot better to start on a dose and get stable on that before you increase .Each dose will take abt 4-6 weeks to settle .You may find you feel ok a bit earlier tho .Increasing to such a high dose so soon will be more than likely quite upleasant .The side effects will be worse ..I started on 10mg and worked my way up 10mg at a time .Once the initial dose is in your body the subsequent increases arent as bad ,as the drug is in your system .All the best with it ..Sue x:hugs:

Vanilla Sky
19-04-10, 13:25
Hi , I also started citalapram last week , i am on 20mg and i have to go back in a month to see how i am getting on. I wouldn't go up to 40 mg straight away , that doesn' t sound right

19-04-10, 13:38
Well, I have just called the doctors to get a call back and find out if this is definitely right or not....we shall see. Side effects have been pretty unpleasant as well so far, so was/am dreading the movement! Hopefully they will say I can just carry in with 1 tablet for a bit longer then.

Thanks for all your replies

V xx

19-04-10, 22:25
The doc I spoke too told me that he thought it sounded too much, particularly as I have been having very noticeable side effects. He told me to wait at least another week, and then try going up to 30mg.

19-04-10, 22:43
Dont feel pressured into upping until you feel ok again ..You are the one feeling rotten not the Dr ...Hope you feel better soon ..Sue x

20-04-10, 01:38
Hi , I also started citalapram last week , i am on 20mg and i have to go back in a month to see how i am getting on. I wouldn't go up to 40 mg straight away , that doesn' t sound right

Hi Paige

Glad to hear you've "joined the club". Hope it's going well for you.



20-04-10, 01:41
The doc I spoke too told me that he thought it sounded too much, particularly as I have been having very noticeable side effects. He told me to wait at least another week, and then try going up to 30mg.

Hi V

You're about big enough to fit into my pocket. I'm a fairly big guy 6ft2 and 95kgs and I had some horrible side effects starting on just 20mg. My meds took about 5-6 weeks to settle and now 6.5 weeks in, I feel like I'm having a blip! If I'm not right by 8 weeks, I'll up to 30mg.

All the best
