View Full Version : tongue issues?

18-04-10, 19:13
Yesterday i posted a thread about how my sinus were being all weird...

anyway today.. my tongue is either playing tricks on me ..

it feels very heavy
it has some weird ridges on one side.
when i dont move it . its feels like i have pulled the tongue muscle...

my jaw also aches alot...

i dont know what to think im kinda scared..

18-04-10, 19:26
Hi hun,

There are two pieces of advice i can give you.

Firstly, i know it seems really hard but do try not to focus on your tongue too much, i spent 18 months paranoid over my tongue, i had burning mouth syndrome and was convinced i had something sinister wrong with me, you say your jaw also aches, so could you be doing what i did, and tensing it up in your sleep??

Secondly, if it carries on pop to your dentist, just to give you piece of mind.

The tongue is a very sensitive muscle and stress can cause havoc with it, there were many times when i didn't even feel stressed and my tongue caused me so many problems.

The minute i stopped focusing on it, my problems started leaving me.

Hope this helps.

di xx

18-04-10, 19:34
thanks diane
i am indeed trying not to focus on it at all. just really hard not to.
thank you for the advice tho much appreciated:)

18-04-10, 20:08
I know how hard it is hun, mine used to feel like it had been the gym on its own.........lol!

i'm here if it carries on causing you probs and you need help :)

18-04-10, 20:55
The jaw ache could be a result of the sinus. It can make your face/jaw hurt. As Di said if you try and not to focus on it, it does ease off, it's not easy but it will help :D

18-04-10, 20:57
I have this too, the ridges are probably your teeth impressions through clenching your jaw , that's what mine are. Your Tongue as Di said us a muscle and can get tense. Try not to worry about it, but if your concerned ask your doctor or dentist for reassurance.

19-04-10, 11:40
Hi I'm new here! I thought I'd throw in my two cents... Have you had your B12 tested? It might be nothing but I went for some blood tests last week and it turns out I'm low on vitamin B12, I looked it up and one of the symtoms is to do with your tongue. If you haven't already, go and get a blood test. I've been suffering from anxiety/depression for about five years and only got a blood test this year. It made me feel better when they found something 'wrong' with me, which probably sounds crazy to anyone not suffering with anxiety!

take care x