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View Full Version : Please Reply. Is this Cancer?

18-04-10, 21:13
I am supposed to be taking my wife and kids to Butlins tomorrow but I'm convinced I have cancer and should stay here. Last week I could go to the toilet (pass motion) for 3 days. Then Friday I was in town and had to literally run to the nearest public loo where I had violent diarreah for a while. Since then I haven't been able to go again. I feel bloated and full and have a tightness across the top of my chest and shoulders. I'm convinced I have bowel cancer now. Could someone please give me any advice

18-04-10, 21:27
Hi Paul

My husband has this kind of problem, he won't go for a while and then sometimes when he does its the squirts! He has IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) so do I but I just suffer from stomach cramps.

I know when you have health anxiety, you convince yourself its the dreaded "c" word - I know I do all the time and wish I could take my own advice.

Is this the first time its happened? From what you've said I don't think its cancer, sounds to me like you were constipated and then things started moving again! Or have you been stressed? as I know from experience this an have an affect on bowel movements

I know its difficult but go off on your holiday and enjoy the lovely weather with your family - you are absolutely fine:hugs:


18-04-10, 21:29
Also the tightness across your chest sounds like stress and anxeity.

I hope I've helped you a little bit

Best Wishes


19-04-10, 06:02
It sounds to me like you were just constipated for a bit and then something stimulated your gut to start working again.

I have IBS, and have that experience several times a week. Not very fun. I have the bloating and fullness and everything.

It could just have been something you ate, some extra stress, or just the random moodiness of the gut ... :) ... but it doesn't mean you have cancer.

TONS of people have these problems - some of us have them all the time!

Also, when you have something like that, it's natural to worry about what's going on ... which then causes anxiety ... and that anxiety in turn causes the stomach stuff to get worse AND causes other problems like the tightness in your chest ...

horrible cycle to get caught in, I know!

Sometimes if you've been constipated for awhile and then you have an episode of diarrhea where it clears you out, it takes awhile for your gut to become regular again so you may indeed experience some sluggishness at first -- after all, it sounds like it emptied you out!

19-04-10, 08:00
Thank you very much for your replies. You have helped someway to put my mind at ease. I don't think I'll ever shake these feelings of dying but I hope the therapy I'm booked in for will help. Thanks again

19-04-10, 09:16
Glad we were able to help abit.

Hope you have a good holiday:D
