View Full Version : Christian -new here-bfs-& myoclonus

18-04-10, 22:32
Hi Everyone-

Greetings-My name is Christian & I live in Philadelphia PA (USA)-& so glad to be with all of you-:)

My "health issues" started after a bad bout with the flu this past November- Shortly after, I developed myoclonus...(strong muscle contractions)--in my back, while lying down-I mean I thought I was having a seizure--left side, then right side! Went to ER---& of course the ER Drs. know "next to nothing"...about neuro issues!:wacko:

Finally...went to a terrific neurologist here in Philadelphia....(actually TWO--one the "chief neuro" & the other one....a "movement disorder" specialist)- They examined me...gave me a 'complete workup'-
An EMG---TWO MRIs..(Brain and cervical spine)-blood test for thyroid-TWO EEGs...(one the 'regular one'-one 24 hrs)-(I Had this because I was getting "Brain zaps"-! Like a mild "electric shocks in my brain! Anyone ever get these?)- But...my tests.. --ALL..."normal"...(with exception of what neoro expected---some minor spinal arthritis0--but everything..."normal"-:D:D "official diagnosis"..."Benign positional myoclonus"! (In the same category as "BFS"..."Benign Fasiculation Syndrome")-- (I also get fasciculations and twitches)-- -In other words...the really "bothersome"...myoclonus....ONLY happens when I am lying down! not good for sleeping!:shrug:

Anyway-I was so 'relieved'...& happy---I thought I had some fatal neuro disease--(Like ALS...or myathenia Gravis)-:scared15:
-'benign'....('idiopathic' they say)--BUT- BOTH my neuros---said this would eventually go away---! (This was back in January)---

To sum things up----about 3 weeks ago--started having...3 or 4 days with NO symptoms! I thought it was gone! (Like the neuros said)---But...it comes back....like a snake lying in wait!:ohmy:

Then....I'll have 2 or 3 'bad days'....--But--at least...I'm getting some good days! Only meds I take for this..is Valium! AND...strangely...to help me get really drowsy for sleep---I use "Antivert"...'Meclizine'...an antihistamine used for vertigo! a 25 mg tablet taken at 5:30 before dinner--has me "zonked"....by 10 PM...(When I take my Valium)-I should add...I ONLY take the "antivert',....when I feel I may have a problem getting to sleep--! Otherwise ..I take one or two...25mg Benadryl-@
Before I finish---now...that I have been thourougly tested...& found normal...I STILL worry! I HATE when..I go to bed at nite..& the "Trunk"...myoclonus starts! (I can handle arms and legs)--Because...it shakes my neck,...head,..AND...THE WORST...MOST FRIGHTENING THING! (I saved this for last....see if anyone else has this as well as the regular myoclonus)---While lying on my back...& falling off to sleep...I awaken...GASPING FOR AIR!:scared15: What happens is the abdominal myoclonus starts....& the muscle movements..in the abdomen...start always during the respiratory expiration! This....abdomen myoclonus...is like a 'punch to the stomach"...& louses up my respiration----temporarily....causing me...to gasp IN for air!

Thankfully--This does not happen too much---!

It has improved....(it 'spread' to arms & legs....thighs...biceps)---but have 'good days'...& 'bad days'---not happening all the time (some minor cramping)---

Anyway--what REALLY bothers me....is when the myoclonus is in my TRUNK..(back...chest....abdomen---neck....& sometimes into face! I do have "hemifacial spasm"...which is effectively treated with botox....every 6 months!)

BUT---this darn....myoclonus.....when it goes into my trunk...& abdomen..---& I get these "breathing issues"...! I just wanna sleep!
I am tired of this panic! (As is my poor wife)---

I am glad to be here & hope to get good feedback from others! Often...knowing you are not alone with a condition...relieves the fear-!:hugs:--And. ....I hope I can be of help & assurance to others!

I DO hope I hear from others...with a similar condition....(Myoclonus the Drs--have no clue as to why it's happening)--

And---that "breathing" thing....where the myoclonus causes the abdomimal muscle to contract forcibly, taking my breath away-!---! Anyone else get that?

Well--Sorry I went on so long....& was verbose! (I am a writer by profession-)--go out to California in winters--past winter when this first started.....I came back from LA...to Philadelphia....3,000 miles....5 hr flight....THE VERY NEXT DAY! That's how .."panicked"...I was (BEFORE I saw my neurologists)--

This is just the "latest" of my "worrisome"....health issues! I also have "Mitral Valve Prolapse"...& get occasional irregular heartbeats...And SVT....(I take Tenormin for that)---I finally have learned to "live"...with that---NOW..This "neuro issue"...hits me....& I have NO idea WHEN...it's going away? (Anyone think--like me--it's related to me having a bad case of the flu--right before?)

-Thank all of you for reading this! My heartfelt gratitude for your time--Hoping to hear---IF any of you would like to talk---e-mail me......& I can give you my phone #----I NEED to hear other people with similar stories! My e-mail is
Christianheimat@yahoo.com Take care..& God bless--regards--Christian

18-04-10, 22:34
Hi Christian_88

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

18-04-10, 23:15
Consider hair analysis or Pfeiffer testing for diagnosis. Research magnesium and co enzyme Qio for heart health.

19-04-10, 08:22
Welcome :)

Veronica H
19-04-10, 11:06
:welcome:to NMP Christian. Glad you have found us.


Lisa w
19-04-10, 11:44
Hi Christian,

Hope you find some aanswers here, i have joined today too as i am a terrible Health Anxiety sufferer. I think i have MS now. I have thought i have had Brain Tumours, Cancers, i visit the doctors at least once week. Good luck and try to be positive at least a little every day, that is what i do and i do get a little HA break from it.:)


Vanilla Sky
19-04-10, 13:16
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome: Paige x

19-04-10, 13:51
Thank all of you so very much for your warm...& heartfelt greetings! This means so muc to me-:)

I can feel your concern & "emotional support" already! Wish I could give everyone a big ..'hug'-!:bighug1:

I am so happy and fortunate to have found this site--

Also-Hoping to hear from others w a similar 'condition'-I reposted this on the "Health Anxiety" forum--!

A reply or two...(or more)- from people with a similar condition and how they are handling it---would be a "Godsend" to me!

Again--Thank you all- This is a great site--I hope to recommend it to a friend also suffering with "anxiety"...& "panic"-! :noangel:God bless you all--Hoping I can be of help & service to others! Regards- Christian