View Full Version : sore throat for weeks..now feel like I am swallowing my uvula!!

18-04-10, 22:37
Has anyone had this...it really feels like I am pulling that little dangly thing down my throat when I swallow..

It is really alarming and I really want to google and I mustn't

19-04-10, 07:54
Can anyone help with this..I have woken up and it is still horrid...

19-04-10, 08:21
hello you cant pull it down its attached to top of your throat. its anxiety. you could be over breathing ,try deep breaths slow your breathing down ,,, also try gargling with good mouth wash you will be ok dont worry

20-04-10, 19:52
Hi, I often feel like this is happening to me too, it comes and goes though and iv had a doctor check my throat and she saw nothing to be worried about. Its that annoying globus hystericus whatever its called, im sure!