View Full Version : The big question why...

18-04-10, 23:51
Am I alone here or is this a complete part of anxiety.

When doing anything, whether it's laying down or out and about busy I still get stupid irrational thoughts and because they are irrational I feel myself worrying and getting anxious because they are there for NO reason.

For example I was at the pub yesterday with friends and randomly in my head kept asking myself why is a pub called a pub, hmm, public house, so a place where the public can come. That must be it.

And then because I've thought that when most "normal" people wouldn't be I worry myself and just think I'm not normal as surely it's not normal behaviour and then I feel my anxiety kick in and then it escalates.

I find this happening in all sorts of situations when questioning life. I question EVERYTHING and I don't want to and because I can't control those thoughts I freak myself out.

I think I'm losing my sanity and one day I won't be able to speak or think rationally every again :weep::weep:

I really feel like I'm losing everything and I just want to be normal.

Even though I'm having CBT and some of it works I always feel like there's a part of it that's still massively failing and there never will be a cure.

I need help!

andrea thompson
19-04-10, 01:12
hiya hon

you are very normal ! i am sure everyone has these thoughts but you are just dwelling on them and questioning your sanity because of you state of mind - anxious!

i am the same - at the moment i am having a wobble and questioning wether i am normal or ill or just plain crazy!!!! i have just workied out that its because i have a lot going on at the moment. you are just anxious and these feelings will pass. stay positive and try to swap your negative thoughts for positives... always - its hard i know but just keep going you will get through this... and hopefully i will too.. it helps me to send positive messages to others when i am wavering into negetive thinking --- so thanks for needing some positive vibes its helping me lots!!!! lol

we will be fine hon..
take care

andrea x x

19-04-10, 01:17
The thing is I know in my mind how to control it yet it always takes over and I don't know why. It's like my brains in over drive and I want it to stop!

I'm scared of it!

andrea thompson
19-04-10, 01:41
i think your brain is in overdrive hon - we all get this... i have been there... but i can confirm that it does pass... keep fighting it and one day you will win!!!!! i have been rubbish for months now and i was exhausted but with meds and constantly trying to thought swap and thought stop it did eventually kick in and i started to somehow be able to deal with the thoughts... and feelings. once you see the benefits of all the hard work it all seems easier to do... and in turn relieves the stress and you get more good days than bad.

just because you know how to deal with it doesnt mean that you wont get it again!

if you had a cold - you would fight it - but you will prob get another cold and have to fight it just the same... its not easier cos you have had a cold before... did that make any sense.???

so dont be disheartened .... you know the drill - keep going!!!

take care ... andrea x x

19-04-10, 10:52
I feel just like this!!!Even thou i think ive got my anxiety under control i still have the stupid random thoughts.....not making light of this but i had to laugh at the point you made about the pub(only because i recognised myself:))......i do this all the time i question everything....whys the sky blue and the grass green...most people do this but i go too far with it then start questioning my thinking...i also repeat words in my mind over and over....any random word for example *biscuit*....and im convinced im going to say it out loud which triggers my anxiety even more........im starting to think its ocd as i think any other serious issue would have showed its self in other ways by now.....im sure like me your not losing your sanity are thought process as just got a bit muddled with all the worry stress and strain we put are ourselves under:hugs:

take care...xx

19-04-10, 11:58
Read up on pyroluria, it can cause these types of symptoms. Not a mainstream diagnosis, but when you read about the symptoms, they will either fit or seem totally random and bizzare.

19-04-10, 16:32
You are normal!! Everyone has strange or seemingly silly thoughts at times. The difference is that because you are anxious you are worrying about them! Dr. Claire Weekes says that thoughts can be strange or grotesque when anxious and that we anxiously follow them trying to find out their worst!! She says not to be afraid of them and that's what I'd also say to you. Remember, they are only stupid thoughts. They can't do you any real harm.
Myra x

19-04-10, 16:56
Chrislot are you trying to make me panic even more. That's like saying we all have pyoluria but that may not be the case.

I like what Myra says to be honest it's nothing more than stupid thoughts that I worry about as I'm anxious which then activates it further.

19-04-10, 18:40
Davidj85, i think you are at the stage where you are identifying your irrational thoughts, replacing them with rational thoughts however is the hard part. Re programming you brain kind of. Ima read up on this "pyroluria". Chrislot ever heard of Executive Function disorder? There maybe an part of that in anxious/shy people i reckon.

jude uk
20-04-10, 03:00
Everyone and I mean everyone has irrational thoughts. Sometimes these thoughts are actually interesting.... Why is a pub called a pub? Why is a hostel called a hostel and a hotel called a hotel (answers on a postcard please) Try doing a sociology course because that will mess with your head....Example.....If a person commits a crime and no one notices it and no one is hurt by it, is it still a crime......believe me people have wrote books on that lol....Just chill out and accept thoughts come and go...ps your normal

20-04-10, 09:22
That's a much more productive reply than "you might have problem with your blood" and raise my anxiety more...even so I'm on the multi-vitamins now.

They're nuts some of my thoughts and because they always pop in there I worry about them. Stupid brain!

20-04-10, 14:10
I recommend checking out zen buddhism. I've always been a big thinker too and Buddhism/Mindfulness has been the greatest help of all.

It really helps you see your thoughts as for what they are and "gets you out of your head" so to speak.

21-04-10, 20:40
Sounds worthwhile Idstain I may look into that.

24-04-10, 02:08
Why do people who suffer from panic attacks keep suffering panic attacks?

Why do thoughts we don't like keep coming back?

Why do people who suffer from palpitations keep suffering from them?

Why do certain things make us feel anxious and they then keep coming back to "bully" us?

The answer for all anxiety lies in what you've written.....

The thing is I know in my mind how to control it yet it always takes over and I don't know why. It's like my brains in over drive and I want it to stop!

I'm scared of it!

.......and That's why it won't stop and leave you alone.

So then how do you actually stop it?

Don't try to control it, let it happen and say to yourself "so what". When things frighten us, we try to control them by trying to block out what scares us. This then causes you to tense up which then triggers all the anxious symptoms. If you develop an "I don't care" attitude and allow yoursel to think these things without questioning, your body stays relaxed.

Be the boss and stand up to it BUT allow frightening thoughts to go through you without tensing up and without questioning...and anxiety will then stop as it always runs away because it will know it can't scare you.:winks:

24-04-10, 06:06
Hi ,Bill....Once again good post and so true...good to hear from you
Rhonda xx:D

24-04-10, 07:32
Everyone and I mean everyone has irrational thoughts. Sometimes these thoughts are actually interesting.... Why is a pub called a pub? Why is a hostel called a hostel and a hotel called a hotel (answers on a postcard please) Try doing a sociology course because that will mess with your head....Example.....If a person commits a crime and no one notices it and no one is hurt by it, is it still a crime......believe me people have wrote books on that lol....Just chill out and accept thoughts come and go...ps your normal


Nah! Sociology, ... try theoretcical physics quantum theory. If something has not been measured it doesn't exist, and if you do measure it you change it so you can't actually measure anything exactly so what is that we observe; certainly not reality ... or is it?

Too early in the morning really, I'm going back to my coffee:)

24-04-10, 19:46
hi - i get these kind of thoughts when i am really tired. a few weeks ago i was thinking - right i must think positive and my brain went "what is a thought" - what is think" - it was doing this with every thought i had but i just let it do whatever it wanted and it passed. there is no way you can "control" it - the very act makes it worse - just go with it and let it pass - that goes with all the symptoms of anxiety x

25-04-10, 04:06
Thank you Rhonda, it's nice to be missed.:hugs:


Something you've said in a couple of other of your posts has made me think of a couple of things. You posted...

It seems every day this month I've had a different or joint symptoms:

- Headaches
- Dizziness
- Eye problems (spots and squiggles in visual field)
- Tingling fingers and finger tips (really bad)
- Breathing difficulties
- Heart flutters/extra beats
- Prickling/Hot sensations all over body

....and then in another post you've said about your irrational thoughts as "Just being part of an anxious mind".

So...does an anxious mind trigger irrational thoughts or do irrational thoughts trigger anxious symptoms?....or is just one big vicious cycle created by an anxious mind?

If you wake up feeling anxious, the anxiety will create irrational thoughts which in turn then amplifies your anxiety so that for the whole day you feel anxious until you go to bed worrying about having to face another anxious day when you wake up the next morning.

Not only are thoughts and anxiety a vicious cycle but also every day then becomes a cycle of fear so that every morning you wake feeling anxious. Every day becomes an anxious loop.

You've also said that whether you're laying down or out with friends, these irrational thoughts will still appear so then why? I think we are deep intense thinkers but also lack confidence which combined create tension which then causes stress which leads to feeling anxious which then triggers the thoughts and the cycle begins.

When we're laying down, our minds are not being occupied so our anxious minds will focus on thoughts and feelings. When we're in a situation where there isn't enough going on to occupy our minds, our anxious minds will again "think too much".

Too little to occupy the mind creates what I call "boredom stress" and too much to think about creates what I call "emotional stress". When we have too much to think about or too much to do, our lack of confidence makes us indecisive which then creates more stress which triggers anxious thoughts etc.

So, in other words, I feel life is a game of balance so that we learn how to cope with anxiety.

When do you feel most relaxed? Most probably when you're enjoying yourself and your mind is being pre-occupied. Learning and incorporating those things that make us feel relaxed then help to prevent an anxious state and therefore prevent thoughts that make us feel anxious. The cycle is broken.

However, we can't always be doing the things that make us feel relaxed but we can learn how to relax the mind in stressful situations by using relaxation techniques.

If you feel relaxed, your mind will be relaxed which then prevents the symptoms and then also the anxious thoughts.

When I was younger I was told I was very intense. So intense that when I wrote with a pen, there would be deep indentations left in my writing. I also lacked alot of confidence and this lack of confidence caused doubt which then made me intense because I constantly worried about anything I said, did or thought.

If a striker is about to take a penalty, if he thinks he'll miss, he most probably will miss because he can't decide which side to hit the ball. His lack of confidence will always create doubt which will cause stress, tension and negative thoughts. He becomes too afraid to move because anxiety then rules his life.

Therefore, just as it is for a striker, life is our game where we need confidence to defeat anxiety. A striker will constantly practise until he builds his confidence up into believing he will always score because he knows exactly how and where to kick the ball. In our game, we too also need to practise "positive thinking" so that we too install self-belief. This then also stops us dwelling on negative thoughts.

If a person goes into a shop thinking they're going to panic then they Will panic because it's not about facing fears, it's about facing fears with the Right approach. If they feel tense, the tension will cause panics but if they feel relaxed, they're more likely not to think about thoughts and feelings so that the cycle is less likely to start.

I feel anxiety is far too complex to say that one thing cures all but I do feel that we can learn a package of things for different situations that will help us cope with anxiety.

There is one important thing I feel we all need - enjoyment in life. we all need something to look forward to to help us get though daily stresses otherwise life becomes tedious which creates boredom and stress which leads to the cycle of anxiety. Try not to dwell on bad things but think of and plan things that make you Want to get up each day and focus on Those thoughts.

Anyway, just some thoughts.:shrug: