View Full Version : Internal " shaking" "vibrating" in chest and stomach area

19-04-10, 06:51
Just wonder if anyone else suffers from internal shaking/vibrating. I haven't had it for awhile but it's come back and making me feel uncomfortable.. It's come back with me feel very refluxy like I can't burp and like my food is sitting at the top of my stomach end of my esphagus, I'm also getting terrible fluttering heart palps but when I feel my pulse it quite steady and not like the fluttering I feel in my chest along with the vibration, been getting chest pain down my ribs and just randomn stabs everywhere. Just wondering if people have had symptoms like these.

Also have had an ECG 24 hr couple of months ago and was clear

also does anyone wake up with a start with there heart pounding hard... But steady and even just fast it's happened to me twice now when I was dreaming.
Thank u :)

19-04-10, 10:46
:Dhi yes i sometimes feel like my whole torso is juddering inside? is this wha tyou mean? i also have the ectopic beats where i feel like a flop in my throat and i often have palpitations and will wake up with what feels like a banging heart - can happen numerous times a night - and usually only happens when im really anxious or stressed about something, and i just have whole nights of dreams and waking up with panics, which do subside very quickly once awake but obviously this type of nights sleep keaves you exhausted? - it always passes within days if you just ignore it - easier said than done i know and in my case it took years to accept all of this - im 37 now and ive been like this since i was 14! so it shows you how long it can take to stop worrying about it:ohmy::winks::yesyes:

19-04-10, 12:58
Yes kinda like the feeling of a mobile phone vibrating in my chest. Thanks sharing your experience :)

19-04-10, 13:26
I keep getting the sensation of a mobile phone vibrating in my lower abdominal area. Comes & goes, but seems worse when I'm standing still for longer periods of time. think I might be focusing on it too much, because now I keep noticing my pulse everywhere and can almost feel my blood flowing through various parts of my body. Driving me nuts!

Lisa w
19-04-10, 13:39
Hi There,

I am suffering at the moment with vibrating/fizzing/buzzing in legs and groin. It is driving me mad! i have had aching too in the legs and arms and have now (after googling - bad i know) made myself worse thinking that it is all sorts of horrid things. But in reality if you are prone to anxiety then you are prone to all the wonderful symptoms that come with it and apparantley vibrating aching buzzing are all on the list. It is the over active nerves in the brain which fire off strange sensations and e as anxiety sufferers are VERY in tune with our own bodies and feel lots of sensations that 'normal' people just wouldnt notice. Calm down and try to relax its a very commen sensation.

Lisa :)

19-04-10, 13:39
:)its good you can feel your pulse etc - really best to worry when you cant!

so do you get this vibrating all over? i dont have it in specific areas, i just have this whole body trembling type thing, but its inside, like in my core? -it might be different - but either way its still just anxiety - it cant harm you - although obviously it is sensible to see your doctor, coz im not one so i cant actually say! but if we're talking anxiety - then i think its a pretty standard symptom:winks:

19-04-10, 13:50
Yes dr says it's anxiety but coupled with my other symptoms like constant dizziness, heart palps n chest pain I tell myself uh oh it's a tear in my aorta or my eletric node in my heart is making my heart buzz... But I compare this feeling with my pulse and it is completely seperate rythm to the one I feel in my chest.. Mostly I get the feeling in my chest top of my abdomen. But can get the feeling in my legs and ATMs even very faintly in my head it's really just an annoyance

19-04-10, 13:51

19-04-10, 14:24
:ohmy:how do you know about torn aortas and eletric nodes!!!!!! no wonder you are worrying - you shouldnt know about this stuff - leave it to the doctors:winks: like others have said, try not to focus on it - its amazing how bad we can feel when we are anxious - we literally worry ourselves sick:lac:

19-04-10, 18:32
I agree, dont google! I have heard that people can have oesophgeal spasms that can cause chest pains, maybe if you suffer from reflux too its more likely to be some sort of spasm?

22-04-10, 14:01
Yes, Yes, Yes! I get all of that! The whole shuddering / fluttering feeling between the abdomen and the chest centre and the pulse feels normal. You would swear it was a 2 second run of like 5 missed beats at once! It is worse for me when laying in bed which is when you can feel the vibration going on too. Hope that helps :)

13-07-10, 23:29
I get this too and it totally freaked me out, mine is usually in my neck ... it feels like a low voltage electric current running through me and sometimes it goes on forever UNTIL I panic. I am usually trying to get to sleep when this happens to me. *cries*. Anyone?

15-07-10, 09:40
I had inner vibrations in my chest and abdomen for about 6 months. It totally freaked me out. I thought I was dying. I was under a lot of stress and had been suffering iron deficiency as a result of my health anxiety. I had seen doctors and everything and they all told me there was nothing to worry about. As I calmed down and started to believe there was nothing life threatening, the vibrating became less and less noticible and then one day it just stopped. I personally feel that with me, it is primarily anxiety based. When I was at my worst, the symptoms (actual, not imagined) that I suffered as a result of panic actually took me a year to recover from. I still have a couple of symptoms now that are still lingering. I dont thik the vibrations are anything to worry about. I think it must be mild trembling, much like you would get if you panicked and looked at your hands, but on a much smaller scale. Coincidentally, around the time i had mine, id not long recovered from a chest infection. When you have a persistent cough, you dont realise it, but for the duration or the sickness when yer coughing, you are also exhausting the muscles in your chest and abdomen from tensing them. Sometimes these muscles become traumatised and can result in this vibration-like sensation.

15-07-10, 10:13
I've had this a number of times as well, and I'm sure with me it's anxiety-based as well (although it doesn't feel like it at the time!). It also seemed to get worse as I got perimenopausal, and a lot of women report this sensation, so maybe there is a hormonal trigger for it too.

patsy department
19-03-13, 12:37
hi after just reading sevral of the shaking in the body , glad other people have it. i suffer from heart beating really all over the place an tremblin inside as my heart is shaking it feels awful an really scarse me , last week i was in bed an my whole upper body was shaking inside, thought wot the hell is wrong wiv me ..

Daisy Sue
19-03-13, 13:40
I can't believe how many of you are posting you have this! I do too, and my GP looked at me funny when I mentioned it months ago. Sometimes I put the light on and look at the light to see if it's moving, because I wake up with that inner tremble and think it's an earth tremor!

I *think* it's nerves, affecting my stomach, because if I take some antispasmodic medicine, it calms down and I can go back to sleep.

19-03-13, 15:34
I get this too! I am amazed at this thread, I thought it was just me! I first had it about 5 years ago, along with achy arms and neck and chest pain, so I went off to A&E and they gave me an ECG- all fine and put it down to stress. I was going through a very stressful period in my life at the time and thought I was coping just fine- obviously my body was reacting differently to my mind! As soon as the docs told me I wasn't having a slow heart attack or anything like that, the symptoms cleared up.

I have experienced it a couple of times since, most recently in the last few weeks. Of course I have HA now (I didn't 5 yrs ago) so I think I am seriously "ill", diagnosing myself with heart failure etc even though my heart copes just fine with really quite strenuous exercise and I am not particularly tired when I am not supposed to be.

Best thing to do is keep busy- I don't notice my heartbeat or get the 'electrical sensations' at all when I am walking, exercising or doing something which holds my attention, even if it is just reading a really good book. Xx