View Full Version : A good day then a bad one

jaded jean
19-04-10, 07:26
Hi everyone.
I am on day 13 of citalopram.Have noticed when I am kept busy for the day I feel really good-this is probably the distraction part.The next morning though I really bomb, I wake at about 4.30am feeling terrified and shakey I just want to sit and do nothing. I do take 2x2mg diazepam at bedtime and 1x2mg in the mornings as well.
Any ideas please.thanks Jean

20-04-10, 06:27
Hi Jean

The first 2 - 3 weeks on Citalopram are the worst in terms of increased anxiety, so it's natural that you feel this way especially when you're waking up so early. I still have trouble with my sleep pattern and I'm on week 7. By the way, Citalopram is also known for causing insomnia during the first couple of weeks. I'm experiencing a bit of a blip at the moment, due largely, I think ,to my rubbish sleep last night. Hope you feel better soon, you'll start to feel much more normalish after 3 weeks, so just hang on in there. Feel free to chat and let me know how, you're getting on.

Take care


P.S. Try take it easy on the Diazepam, it's really addictive. It should really be used on an as needed basis only.

jaded jean
20-04-10, 06:57
Hi RichW.
Thanks for the reply. I am easing off the diazepam as I was supposed to be taking one 2mg in the afternoon but I have stopped that already so now its one in the morning and 2 at nightof which I hope I can cut them down as well. I still think I willwake up early tho. I am an early riser but 4am is a tadd too early but my chatterbox kicks in and I think sod this get a cup of tea.
best wishes to you

20-04-10, 08:48

duno if this will encourage you or not,
but I couldn't sleep for the first 2-3 wks of citalopram, and now, 3 months in I can sleep for England!

Went to bed at 10:30 last night and just work up at 8:30am and need to run like the wind to get to work for 9am

So it does get better.

Martinio del Barrettini

jaded jean
20-04-10, 08:57
Thanks Martbarr.
Feel a bit c****y today so rough with the smooth. :-)