View Full Version : Citalopram withdrawl physical sensations

Desprate Dan
19-04-10, 11:28
Hi Its been a week now since i switched from Citalopram which i was on for 1 year 40mg to Mirtazapine 15mg the first few days were heaven, i was sleeping well and felt great after the 3rd day i havd been hit by these strange sensations. I just keep coming over all woozy and fluttery and for a couple of seconds feel so strange and detached from my surroundings its very dificult to describe.. Is this down to the Citalopram withdrawl or the effects of the Mirtazapine, i keep telling myself its just my body adjusting but my mind thinks diffrent.. Please help me. DAN

19-04-10, 15:25
Hi Dan, it does sound like your body is adjusting to the new med as well as getting rid of the old. Just try and focus on the great sleep and go with it, after a few days your body will get back in sync with itself. Take care:)

Desprate Dan
19-04-10, 16:21
Keep getting the zap zap zap feeling in my head its really wierd but you can actually hear them, well i can no one else can, swoosh swoosh swoosh, what should i do i dont think i have lost the plot these sensations are real, is it because i just stopped 40mg Citalopram with no reduction....

How long will it last????

It damn scarey...


Desprate Dan
20-04-10, 08:54
Same again today weird sensations in my head like zaps... Guess no one else has these symptoms so getting concernd now.. DAN

20-04-10, 12:46
Post removed by author

Desprate Dan
20-04-10, 13:15
Cheers Chris, i was starting to think it was just me, how weird are them head zaps, like little surges of electricity zap zap zap, only last about 1 second or so getting them regular about 3 to 5 a minute, found if i move my head fast or look up or down fast i can set them off...

20-04-10, 16:16
Its not just you..before I was scared of meds I took Paxil and no one told me the side effects when you wean off of them and one of them was the zapping. It took about 2 weeks for it to go away but it was scary. I wish someone had told me to what to expect. Take care and know that this too shall go.