View Full Version : thanks for this

19-04-10, 11:52
Hi, I thought it was about time I introduced myself. I've been using this site for about four months to get some reassurance etc... I never posted before cause I suppose I didn't want to admit to myself that I was really suffering with anxiety. I thought someone strong shouldn't feel like this, but now I've accepted it and I feel it has made me a stronger person. I'm just coming out of a really bad month, it was unbearable at times. I went to several doctors during the month, blood tests and xrays etc. My main symtoms were globus, chest pains, and general health anxieties, I felt like every doctor was missing something, and I was also convinced I had cancer. I'm trying to work through it myself but I have a tough job (I'm a writer, and I'm a good one, I just feel like I can't string a sentence together at the moment!) which I'm finding hard to deal with at the moment.
I feel like I could ramble on all day but I'm going to leave it here because I've work to do. Anyway I just thought I'd say hi and thanks for being here to help me through.

take care x

19-04-10, 11:54
Hi wildflowers

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

19-04-10, 12:01
hi..anxiety is ruling me at the moment too..turning negative thoughts to positive can be really draining..was dismissed from work 5 weeks ago..have a good day and hope you can concentrate on writing..cant be easy.

19-04-10, 12:04
thanks snowy, I'm sorry about your job. I really hope mine doesn't go the same way. I have an understanding boss so I suppose I'm blessed. The past month has been very tiring, but I got through it, and so can you. It's a very dark place I know. But we're stronger than it, it's rewarding when you come out the other end. I know it will come back eventually but I can fight it again.

take care x

Vanilla Sky
19-04-10, 13:14
Hi ans welcome to NMP :welcome: Paige x

21-04-10, 09:52
Hi Wildflowers

:welcome:to NMP. It's great that you've joined. There is so much information & help here.

Best wishes :hugs:

21-04-10, 10:24
Check out the research on Biobalance.com.au. The articles are really interesting, and may help you.