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19-04-10, 12:34
has some of you know i been worried about prostate cancer
went to doctor's today, she said she don't want to run any test's as she is 100% sure, it's not that
am 2 mind now weather i should ask for them any way
i guess i just got to get over it

thank you

19-04-10, 12:43
being a woman i cant help really , except to tell the doc of your fears and ask her for the tests .....good luck xx

19-04-10, 12:59
she say as my age is only 26, it is pointless

19-04-10, 12:59
OP, well if your doctor is not worried then you shouldn't be. As was mentioned before if you want to a test ask your doctor to do one there and then as the finger test rules our prostate cancer, if the texture is smooth and firm then there is no point in going further with a PSA test as you won't have cancer. You have to trust your doctor at some point, I know it is not easy I have been there, if you are not happy with your doctor find one you are happy with.

It maybe worth talking to your friends/girl friend etc to see if they can recommend a doctor you can trust. I have done the whole prostate worry thing and in the end it all turned out fine.

19-04-10, 13:06
thats the point peter, i trust them. as my mum use to say, it's more then the job worth to be wrong.
what test she was talking about was a blood test. but she just said i think it be pointless as she 100% sure not got it.

19-04-10, 13:14
sorry i mean i do trust them but my mind keep saying what if what if

19-04-10, 13:16
Hi Wotcanisay, i am 43 and i have had tests for them, its just a simple blood test shouldn't be any hassle's for them. Ask for it to ease your mind, if she/he doesnt' go somewhere else.

19-04-10, 13:24
Why are you worried that you have prostrate cancer? Are you getting symptons? If so, I would suggest that you visit a male Dr and ask for a finger test as Prostatits is very common in younger males. This is enlargement of the prostrate and cured by antibiotics. I went through all this last Tuesday, like Peter, I was in the clear.

19-04-10, 13:34
I can see where your GP is coming from, and they weigh up all the odds of you having prostate cancer, this is there job.

There is a very good reason not to do a PSA blood test, which I think is what you seem to be wanting. One you do not fall into the age group, you do not show classic symptoms, and very important IF your PSA is high (and this can high for a number of reasons OTHER than cancer) then you have to have a prostate biopsy, and that test is VERY risky, you do not want to go there.

IF you want a prostate test ask your doctors to feel the texture of it, a safe test and only IF they pick something up on the exam then and only then go for a PSA blood test. You do not have prostate cancer mate, you do not have the symptoms honest,


19-04-10, 13:44
thank you for your reply's

does it have to be a male doctor that do the test?

19-04-10, 13:54
Unless your female Dr is happy to stick her fingers up your backside, no. I know the nurse at my surgery would not do it.

19-04-10, 13:56
Give these people a call, they will give you some information if you explain what is worrying you. 020 8788 7720 - Prostrate Association

19-04-10, 15:54
thank you fior the words and advice.

still unsure

19-04-10, 18:49
am now confussed been on the help thing
and been told if it was prostate there be Blood in the urine or semen is this true?

19-04-10, 19:00
those too words have been getting me down .... WHAT IF.
my doctor told me i did not have a brain tumor and i was fine... but im still in two minds. its horrible... but im sure if they saw something serisous they would do something.

19-04-10, 19:00
This can be another symptom but not always.

If you are still worried then ask for the finger test, any doctor male or female can do it, just ask, 5 minutes and you will have your answer and no more needless worry.

Just go in and ask the Doctor "Can you perform a rectal exam, as I would like you to check that my prostate appears normal" Good luck,Peter

19-04-10, 19:03
thank you

sorry for being a pain

19-04-10, 19:04
those too words have been getting me down .... WHAT IF.
my doctor told me i did not have a brain tumor and i was fine... but im still in two minds. its horrible... but im sure if they saw something serisous they would do something.

Yes you are right. Doctors look for what they call 'Red Flag Symptoms' they vary from illness to illness, but they know what to look for. Symptoms are just that, symptoms.

19-04-10, 19:16
OP, you are not a pain mate, I can see the way you think and worry, I have been down the exact same road, and it is hell.

I spent too many years worrying I was ill, never trusting the doctors, never trusting my friends. But at the end of the day mate this may not help but we are all going to get ill one day even people with health anxiety, and we are going to die like everyone else, I just hate to think of other people worrying unnecessaly.


19-04-10, 20:54
when i try to bring it up, the finger test. she look at me like i ask her out on a date. lol
i feel much more at easy tonight, i got to go back the doctor's tomorrow sort something out for my dad, so iask again.lol
i not worry about dying, i just dont want a painfull one.

20-04-10, 11:46
been back i now know i not got it
thank you for putting up with me