View Full Version : anxious

19-04-10, 15:58

19-04-10, 16:49
I'd just stay in my room and let them get on with it. It's them who are embarrassing themselves, not you. Does your mum know how you feel about all this? I think you need to start thinking about, and looking after, yourself. Your mum is an adult and chooses how she lives her life. Some parents are so irresponsible but I'm not going to go there because it only infuriates me. I'd keep a low profile. It's a shame you have to worry like this.
Myra x:hugs:

19-04-10, 18:32
hmm thanks for that myra :hugs: ...i'll probably stay in my room anyway... i really have to move out of here there's so much embarressment and conflict around the place. i dont know how to do that but it's vitally necessary!
anyone else got an idea?????

19-04-10, 18:47

I had this to deal with (the noise from drunk parent + his girlfriend) alot when I moved in with them last year. I stayed in my room and put my ear plugs in. If you have any they are a godsend. I get mine from boots in the travel section, they are yellow foam ones that mould inside your ear blocking out alot of noise. If you don't have some I highly reccommend them. I don't live with them now, i live with my mum but I hate noise in the night now so I still wear them. If you have an ipod that could work, maybe download an audio book? Hmmm if you have a tv in your room you could watch that, I watch favourite my movies or tv programmes on dvd at night also.But yes I think the best bet is to stay in your room, sadly as myra said people choose how to live their lives without much consideration for others mostly so you need to think about yourself now.


20-04-10, 00:39
that was strange, nothing happened. they came back, not completely drunk, and no loud music or arguements...thankyou for responses though you two i felt calmer after like i had a route set out. thanks hallam those are good points i nearly replied earlier... but didnt.
weird, idk why the chaos didnt happen again, but im glad it didnt.

20-04-10, 20:03
my sister mum and younger brother where out and they all got drunk n the guy doesnt like me so they all had a laugh, when they came back nobody said anything to me so i thought something was wrong, now im realyl paranoid and dont trust my family atal now. the alcoholic thinks that i dont have a problem and just lliving here because idk... i feel like im betrayed by them, they all had a ****in big laugh bout me cuz i stopped going out drinking and am bit weird around people...but my family should know better than to laugh with him, pissess me off now i get anxious around them! ****
i want to ****ing move out and not see my family again because they've all sided with him now , and i ****ing hate him. i just need to vent that :mad:

20-04-10, 20:16
They maybe laugh with him because they're frightened not to! He sounds a pain in the a***. You are far better than this so please don't let it upset you. You know better. Be quietly and smugly aware of this. When the time is right then you can move on some day and put all this aggro behind you.
Myra x:hugs: