View Full Version : Run of palpitations with headrush

19-04-10, 17:24
I've suffered from palpitations for years now, mainly just isolated benign ectopics.

Now and again I will get a flurry of irregular beats which lasts a few seconds and gives me a huge headrush along with a feeling that I'm about to pass out. I never have passed out but these attacks are SO scary as you can imagine. I really think I'm dead when they happen.

Anyway I've not had one of these runs for ages, then on Friday I had a bad one driving, another Saturday and another today.

At times during the day I have felt fine and even been sprinting, playing sport etc - but these runs absolutely scare me to death.

Does anyone else get them with the headrush??

19-04-10, 17:44
Yes i do. Ive had it explained to me and this is why. The palpitation/ectopic u are experiencing is almost definitely down to anxiety, have u had an ECG? You could do with getting one done if u havent. Anyhow, the dizzines u feel afterwards is your adrenalin. Basically anxiety!! The headrush that i get everytime i get an ectopic beat is because as soon as i get it (the body takes like a third of a second to react) i think OH MY GODDDDD, lol, so this panioc releases the adrenalin within a miniscule of a second and so thats why u feel the dizziness. Its not related to the palpitation itself. I find when i get a 'not so bad one' i dont feel dizzy after but i do when i get the 'reall bad ones' LOL. i get headrush when i get sharp pains in my chest and head too. Becuase i get panicky as soonas it happens, but then the headrush fades because i realise 'Oh im not dying...thank god! bludy anxiety! grrr!!' hahaha!!

Hope that helps you.

19-04-10, 18:32
i think you should have a word with your docter ..its always best

19-04-10, 20:20
i think you should have a word with your docter ..its always best

Thanks that's made me feel miles better.....not

19-04-10, 20:25
hi, i gte these maye once a year if not more, where they last for between 5 and 10 minutes constant strange rythm, like a thud then not one then three then big pause, makes my chest feel funny and my whole body goes strange i always go to a&e but its stopped by time i gte there and am told its all normal! i know ho scary they are, they terrify me! im used to the normal ones now! if your getting them everyday maybe just go to drs and get everything checked out it prob is all down to anx, if it was anything serious then i think you would feel seriously ill xx

19-04-10, 20:26
Yes i do. Ive had it explained to me and this is why. The palpitation/ectopic u are experiencing is almost definitely down to anxiety, have u had an ECG? You could do with getting one done if u havent. Anyhow, the dizzines u feel afterwards is your adrenalin. Basically anxiety!! The headrush that i get everytime i get an ectopic beat is because as soon as i get it (the body takes like a third of a second to react) i think OH MY GODDDDD, lol, so this panioc releases the adrenalin within a miniscule of a second and so thats why u feel the dizziness. Its not related to the palpitation itself. I find when i get a 'not so bad one' i dont feel dizzy after but i do when i get the 'reall bad ones' LOL. i get headrush when i get sharp pains in my chest and head too. Becuase i get panicky as soonas it happens, but then the headrush fades because i realise 'Oh im not dying...thank god! bludy anxiety! grrr!!' hahaha!!

Hope that helps you.

this HAS made me feel better - thanks.

I've had over 5 ecg's, 2 echos, 2 exercise tests, 2 24 hr monitors, all the heart related blood tests.....

ALL normal except for pvcs which I'm told are benign. However, none of these tests have caught these headrush episodes because they are very rare usually.

I'm at my wits end with these palpitations and everything I read on google scares me.

19-04-10, 20:34
can you not ask for a 7 day recorder i had one and thats hat caught my svt?? maybe then you can catch the rythm ? x

19-04-10, 21:37
I get them usually isolates but the other night had loads in a row and had a headrush too , reckon it's just the adrenalne the cause it felt very similar to when I have experienced adrenaline rushes before, made me go dizzy and feel in shock!

If you have had all the tests then the 7 day monitor is a great idea just for the piece of mind, hope you can relax a little and they slow down soon, don't forget the anxious mind is a paranoid mind but the docs have given you the clear mate so cling to that,


22-07-17, 18:38
Hi all, I'm going to revive this thread, and relay my headrush symptoms with ectopics.
I was at work on a hospital ward recently and had the most enormous skipped beat, a big deep one, took what ages to get back to a rhythm, my headrush as the blood restarted to push round my body was horrible. I literally thought the top of my head was coming off.
I was also wet through with sweat.
I managed to get to a chair and told a nurse I felt unwell, she got me some water and took my obs, true to form I had almost fully recovered, BP fine , BPM a touch high and everything else normal! My legs were like jelly tho and was very edgy. I went home after telling my manager and rested all day.
Now since this, I have had the same long deep ectopic while sleeping and God does it jolt you out of slumber.
With mine I have a about 30 seconds of a really fast heartrate then begins to slow after this big ectopic and again wet with sweat. Trying to sleep afterwards is impossible as I lay awake feeling for skipped beats and chest pains.
Had this happen last night, and then a similar one when I was at work when I got up.
Does this all sound familiar to anyone?
Luckily I am at my GP on Monday to discuss how I am getting on with Bisoprolol! So will tell him.all the above and see what he says.