View Full Version : Back again after 18 months..

19-04-10, 17:43
Hi folks,

I'm back after 18 months of not using the site... my friends and a therapist advised me against using it again, but i'm at my wits end.

Been experiencing strange symptoms for 2 years now, most recently:

burning sensation in arms and hands (mostly left)
pains in arms (feel like pinching under skin)
numbness in arms, mostly left. Also sometimes in legs and other parts. Arms sometimes feel 'dead' and sometimes one hand will go blotchy red.
ringing in ears.
Chest pains
can feel my pulse in my arms mostly left. (without touching my arms, like the the pulse is pounding in my arm).
strange espisodes where I get an odd feeling in my chest, then like a rush of something that makes me feel dizzy.
I've had endless heart tests, all results normal. I've had heart CT and MRI. Most recently I've had a brain MRI, neck MRI and MRI of ateries that lead to the brain. All results NORMAL, so they have excluded any heart probs or neuro diseases such as MS.

Docs now testing for calcium or potassium inbalance. Get blood results in couple of days. Some docs telling me they think it's stress... another doctor thinks it' physical, but needs to investigate more (thinks it might be a metabolism problem like potassium, calcium inbalance...)

Well, I'm going out of my mind... keep telling myself it's something serious and lifethreatening. The Dr tells me what I have is benign, so why do I feel so awful...

Sometimes, I get days wheere I hardly get any symptoms.. then other times, like this evening, i get lots... dead arm, burning in arms, mostly left, blotchy red hands. then some palpitations, dizziness. ringing in ears.

It's doing my head in... being told for 2 years that there's nothing physically wrong with me. I try to think that, but the phyiscal symptoms SCREAM at me 'there is something wrong with your body!'.

I'm going to see a psychologist this week... I need to vent about this, my mind is now like a pressure cooker with worry.

Sorry for the long post.

Has anyone else had these symptoms, especially, numb / tingling / burning in arms.

Thanks for reading. Would be interested to see if anyone has had the same and had a sure diagnosis?



19-04-10, 20:43
Hi Darren

Sorry you are having a bad time at the moment. I am sure you will benefit from posting on NMP there is alway lots of good support and understanding on here.

One of the first symptoms I get when I am stressed is a tingling sensation in my hands and I am conscious of my arms feeling heavy. I also become very aware of my heart beating.

It seems asthough you have been checked out by the Doctors quite thoroughly so it could quite easily be stress/anxiety related. Maybe you could try some relaxation excersices or disracting yourself when you start getting symptoms and see if this helps settle them.

Take care

Sue :hugs:

Vanilla Sky
19-04-10, 21:11
Welcome back Darren :)

19-04-10, 22:00
:welcome:Back Darren ...Im sure you will get lots of support here again .Nice you came back for help ..Luv Sue x

20-04-10, 01:54
Hi folks,

burning sensation in arms and hands (mostly left)
pains in arms (feel like pinching under skin)

Sometimes, I get days wheere I hardly get any symptoms.. then other times, like this evening, i get lots... dead arm, burning in arms, mostly left, blotchy red hands. then some palpitations, dizziness. ringing in ears.

It's doing my head in... being told for 2 years that there's nothing physically wrong with me. I try to think that, but the phyiscal symptoms SCREAM at me 'there is something wrong with your body!'.

I'm going to see a psychologist this week... I need to vent about this, my mind is now like a pressure cooker with worry.

Sorry for the long post.

Has anyone else had these symptoms, especially, numb / tingling / burning in arms.

Thanks for reading. Would be interested to see if anyone has had the same and had a sure diagnosis?



Hi Darren

My anxiety went through the roof after starting medication. One of the most prolific side effects I can most definitely attribute to the increased anxiety, was the burning arm sensation. Mostly the left arm sometimes the right and I felt it up in my chest (left half) sometimes as well. Once my anxiety died down, the burning sensation went away completely.

Hope this helps


21-04-10, 10:01
Hi Darren

:welcome: back to NMP.

I get strange sensations in my arms and legs (tingling/numbness) that tends to come and go. Whenever I focus on my arms & legs it seems to be there but when I'm not thinking about it I don't notice it. I try to keep reminding myself that it is all down to anxiety - It can be so hard sometimes with doubts and worries creeping in thinking it's this or that.

Best wishes :hugs:

21-04-10, 11:55
Hi Dazza, Why did these people advise you not to come back on here, if it helps to chat thats got to be good right.xxxx:hugs:

21-04-10, 13:15
Hi Dazza, Why did these people advise you not to come back on here, if it helps to chat thats got to be good right.xxxx:hugs:


Their suggestion was that it can perpetuate the anxiety, and not make us face up to and deal with it.

I have to admit, that I did break away from this site about 18 months ago, on the advice of a hypnotherapist. I did really well. I was still anxious but managed it well.

Recently, things have got challenging again, and so I've come back here, i guess mostly to compare symptoms with people, since the Drs have still not given a diagnosis - all test results so far have come back normal). So, it's driving me a bit nuts at the moment.


21-04-10, 21:36
Ive suffered some of those things to Dazza, Id never connected them to my panic attacks, that is until i read your post & realised that most of my attacks start off with the tingling (in my left side), burning sensations, etc.

Im glad you are back on this site, its a great place to chat. :) x

26-04-10, 05:34
Had blood test results back.

All levels normal (calcium, potassium etc), but tested positive for a parasite: strongyloides stercoralis (apparently common here in the tropics) which can cause the symptoms that I have been complaining of.

Been given 3 day course of pills to get rid of them. Will see how I feel after the treatment to see if all the symptoms were due to the infection or anxiety. Fingers crossed that the pills will get rid of them all! :)

26-04-10, 15:15
Hi Dazza,

So sorry to hear about this! I sometimes get numb and/or tingly hands and arms when I'm feeling anxious, so maybe that's connected. But I've just read your second post and sounds like you're on the road to recovery hopefully! Sorry to hear you have a parasite :( but it's good that you've got meds for it and hopefully you will feel a lot better after these! Good luck x

26-04-10, 18:27
I'm not meaning to sound negative, but I think this happens more often than not. People who have persistent "anxiety" symptoms that can be attributed to something else. I'm starting to feel through my own experience that a lot of doctors are extremely ignorant. Infection can cause almost all depression and anxiety symptoms but it's usually wholly ignored by doctors.

I hope you recover, I think you will. What drug did they put you on? Doxycycline, Azithromycin?

27-04-10, 15:28
Hi Gem

Yes, I hope the meds work soon. I certainly have been feeling really physically ill at time recently, so glad that they've found (what they think) is causing my symptoms. Another day of pills to go.

Hi NinjaXero,

yes, I've recently started to see a doctor here who did not think that my symptoms were due to anxiety. I've been put on a 3 day course of Albendazole (400mg).

I saw a neurologist last week, she was the one who suspected parasites, and she was right. :o)

I must say my anxiety has come down a few notches, but still won't be happy until i'm symptom free.

13-01-14, 22:53
Hi Dazza, sorry about the late reply! How are things now? x

13-01-14, 23:14
Gem - Dazza hasn't been on since Nov 2013

15-01-14, 11:23
Oh right, thanks :) Hope he is doing ok

15-01-14, 13:44
Welcome back and please don't apologise for the long post. I have experienced very similar weird feelings myself and your post has actually helped me feel less alone. I wish you all the best and thank you for sharing. I hope you will find comfort here among friends.
