View Full Version : fluid behind eardrum?

19-04-10, 18:57
i have constant popping in my ears.. doctor said it was fluid behind the eardrums..
and they feel like they are blocked... or something...
i have terrible headache and also a fuzzy feeling and sometimes dizzyness
has anyone else had fluid behind the ear and experienced these symptoms?

19-04-10, 19:24

19-04-10, 19:47
Hi there, I have exactly the same thing at the moment, been constantly dizzy for a while now, on sunday I got up with banging headache fuzzy head and couldn't hear properly. I went to emergency doctors cause I was really worried and couldn't walk properly, I have fluid behind one ear and an infection in the other. All your symptoms are classic for fluid in ear.

19-04-10, 19:50
Hi ann

im really sorry you have it also!!

do you know if there is any way we can get rid of it?

and how long it will last...i am geting static like head aches (
fuzzy) is that what u mean by fuzzy ?

19-04-10, 21:06
When I saw the doctor on Sunday he said that it's like congestion and steam inhalation helps so I've been using menthol crystals in hot water and breathing it in for 5 minutes twice a day. I've been getting sharp pains in my head to. I actually feel proper dizzy and my head feels foggy. I'm going back to my doctor with it on Wednesday. Not sure how long it lasts sorry.

19-04-10, 21:42
HI, i have had this for over a week now. I have seen the GP and he diagnosed a viral infection which has affected my sinus' etc. I am now on anti biotics and taking sudafed etc to help. I am just starting to feel much better, so hopefully a few more days and i will be right as rain.

19-04-10, 21:47
helllo deb.. what exactly were you symptoms...?

19-04-10, 23:29
I have it. Got diagnosed a few days ago. Horrible symptoms, vertigo, blocked feeling in ears... not good. But not serious atall. You're not alone. My doc didn't even give me anything to clear it up says it will clear up by itself.

20-04-10, 07:00
I have this constant popping in my ears and they sometimes feel half blocked, had it for a good 8 months now been constantly dizzy for two months, could this be why I'm dizzy? I always thought it wasn't cause I'm not really spinning dizzy but feel dizzy sometimes it's spinny but mostly not, dr says it's not fluid but the air might not be passing through my inner ear right.. Could a tiny problem like this cause a major symptom like constant dizzyness no matter if u sit or stand. I just can't make myself believe it. Hope it gets better for u as mine drives me sick with worry! Good luck

20-04-10, 10:13
hiya blue....

did the doctor say any cure? i dont think i couold go threw this any more to be honest...

20-04-10, 12:56
Dr suggest rhinocort nasal spray to open up the passages haven't tried it yet but might.

20-04-10, 16:47
I had fluid on and off in my inner ear last year as a result of a really bad cold and sinus infection that lasted for 2 months. I had lots of vertigo, nausea and a TON of anxiety because of it.

I am doing pretty well now, its been over a year, and I would say I am back to normal. Sometimes I have sinus problems with weather changes and I feel the fluid sometimes, but it is definitely not as bad as the first few weeks of having the issue.

Carly Lou
20-04-10, 17:06
Hi madeuprolemodel........
i had labrynthisis.... inner ear infection, i had severe dizziness for 3 weeks... it was hell, i really was at the end of my tether, i just couldnt cope with it any longer, i really thought i was going to be like it forever... my ears hurt, kept popping and the constant dizziness sent me over the edge nearly, so.... after many trips to the doctors i begged them to give me some antibiotics, even tho they said as it is a virus the antibios wouldnt work... well after 3 days the dizzies started to go, but i then had to put up with feeling sick for a hour after every time i took the antibios... i now have another ear virus, affecting my right ear and right side of my throat... cant believe it !! its hell but atleast i dont have the dizzies, i cant go through that again.... the dizzies will stop, they can last for as little as a few days to a few weeks, it will go i promise, i know how you feel oh so well and it is terrible isnt it xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
i went to the docs today as i have had this ear virus for a week now, and he said for me to gargle asprin, great !!! so going to get some tomo and hope it clears it... oh and to top it off, i also have thrush !!! grrrr, never had that before !! ewww teehee xxx keep me posted xxxx