View Full Version : would like some advice please

19-04-10, 21:40
for some reason today i am out of breath and worrying that im gasping for breath so everytime i go up stairs i stop at the top and then breath as if im gasping to get air in i cant seem to stop this how can i manage this please

19-04-10, 21:44
are you feeling more anxious today? I'm assuming you don't have asthma? or hayfever? Because you are focussing on your breathing then your chest muscles will be tense and this will make you feel more breathless. It's absolutely nothing to do with your lungs and you will always get enough air!! Try taking concentrated breaths in through your tummy and this will give your chest muscles a rest. This is a common anxiety symptom and will disappear when you are more relaxed.
Myra x:hugs:

19-04-10, 21:46
i havent been stressed today but for a few weeks i have been thinking about this problem so i have obviously brought this on myself i hate it though i can be lying down and i feel as if im out of breath gasping

19-04-10, 21:47
i forgot to say i have no chest pain atall or cough so it must be anxiety

19-04-10, 22:02
it does sound like anxiety. Try those tummy breaths. Even concentrating on counting in for six, expanding your tummy, and breathing out through your mouth for the count of 11 definitely helps. Please try not to worry, this will pass.
Myra x:hugs:

19-04-10, 22:16
thankyou so much myra xxxx really appreciate it as i was thinking it was medical like a blood clot in the lungs or something lol