View Full Version : Me again....receding gums

Rachel W
19-04-10, 23:56
Hi guys,

If this website was a money maker I should own shares! I noticed my gum issue a few weeks ago, but due to other worries I didn't give it much thought. My gums are not red and I use an electric tooth brush (although I used a normal one for a few months). My gums below my bottom teeth look as if they have folds at the base of each tooth. There may be a slight recession but not that noticeable, but because of the curtain look below each one I assume that is the amount that they have receded although there is slight roughness to the base of the tooth so I think there is some. I do not know how long they have been like that but I don't think longer than a few months. I actually started to put the brush more on this area thinking it could be cause by periodontal disease (again no bleeding or redness though), but now I have found out it can be caused by brushing too hard so I don't know what to do.

Firstly, if it is mechanical and the volume of gum (even though pushed down) is still there, is there a chance it could get a little better? Does anyone know of anything that can help?

I am worried as well because both my sisters have this, and my older sister who is 14 years older than me had to have all of her teeth out due to bone loss and my other sister is facing a similar fate; however both started with problems after pregnancy which I have never been through (but hope to). My Mum had receding gums but no bone loss so she was fine.

As this is early and no visible gum disease can it perhaps at least look better. If it wasn't for the weird drape look I would not have noticed as my roots do not seem to be visible.

Going home
20-04-10, 00:35
It could be that you're lacking in some vitamins. If it is indeed the start of any sort of gum disease then there's plenty of time to do something about it, but to be honest, even in the early stages of true gum disease your gums would bleed and feel inflamed. Also if you visit your dentist regularly he or she would know the signs. Have you ever asked about the rippling effect that you say you've noticed?

Rachel W
20-04-10, 01:59
No, I have only just recently noticed it. I broke a molar tooth in two pieces back in October and had my first tooth extraction. The dentist didn't say anything then. I had my teeth professionally cleaned a year ago and the hygenist did not notice anything at that time (she had measured pockets then). I am currently in the UK and am going back to US at the end of the summer so that is why I haven't had a cleaning since.

20-04-10, 03:38
I have one tooth on my lower right side that has recession, I don't know what its caused by but they are guessing its because I brushed too hard with my electric toothbrush. I have been brushing upwards in that area on suggestion from my dentist for the past 2-3 months and I have seen a slight improvement. Also flossing makes a difference too. I changed to a soft bristle toothbrush, it seems to help.

Hope you can get into see the dentist when you go back to the states. My dentist always measures the pockets since this tooth is a little lower.

Do you have any tooth sensitivity?

20-04-10, 10:16
My gums bleed all the time when I brush and sometimes I taste blood in my mouth during the day. I had a check up last year at the dentist and was told all okay, until they done an x ray and notice bone loss what was put down to my wisdon teeth being taken, or I should say butchered out, some 20 years ago.

I am now experiencing alot of ear trouble, throat problems, general malaise and all my blood tests are clear. My Mrs said to me last night that she believes it is my gums so I am off to the dentist this week. I would suggest using corsodyl mouth wash which is designed for gum problems. It is very stronge but works wonders.

Rachel W
20-04-10, 11:31
I don't have any bleeding or anything, just the look of drapes below the 6 front teeth.
SleeplessFog (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/member.php?u=21165), did you change from using the electric toothbrush altogether, as the bristles are supposed to be soft. Also, Upward motion only on bottom teeth? If you could let me know I will try that!

Thanks all.

20-04-10, 16:35
Rachel, I was told to use a manual toothbrush with soft bristles for awhile....so I don't go sawing into my teeth (I guess I am a hard brusher :D). I have recently switched back to electric toothbrush with a soft sensitive bristle head...My dentist told me there are a bunch at the grocery store so I went and bought a few.

Upward motion in that area so you push the gum back up (thats what the dentist said)

Rachel W
20-04-10, 16:42
Sounds good, thanks. I am glad that you are seeing some improvement. I hope I do too. I will let you know, but I expect it is a slow process.

20-04-10, 16:44
Yeah, its been about 4 months but it looks better. I have seen a periodontist before...he says that I don't have bone loss...I just need to stop brushing my teeth like I am sawing down a tree. I do admit, if I am in a hurry I go berzerk with the brush. So I have been more careful now.

Cell block H fan
20-04-10, 19:01
Hi guys,

If this website was a money maker I should own shares! I noticed my gum issue a few weeks ago, but due to other worries I didn't give it much thought. My gums are not red and I use an electric tooth brush (although I used a normal one for a few months). My gums below my bottom teeth look as if they have folds at the base of each tooth. There may be a slight recession but not that noticeable, but because of the curtain look below each one I assume that is the amount that they have receded although there is slight roughness to the base of the tooth so I think there is some. I do not know how long they have been like that but I don't think longer than a few months. I actually started to put the brush more on this area thinking it could be cause by periodontal disease (again no bleeding or redness though), but now I have found out it can be caused by brushing too hard so I don't know what to do.

Firstly, if it is mechanical and the volume of gum (even though pushed down) is still there, is there a chance it could get a little better? Does anyone know of anything that can help?

I am worried as well because both my sisters have this, and my older sister who is 14 years older than me had to have all of her teeth out due to bone loss and my other sister is facing a similar fate; however both started with problems after pregnancy which I have never been through (but hope to). My Mum had receding gums but no bone loss so she was fine.

As this is early and no visible gum disease can it perhaps at least look better. If it wasn't for the weird drape look I would not have noticed as my roots do not seem to be visible.

I got gum disease in my early 30's, gums redeeded, terrible taste & smell. Dentist put me on anti biotics for a week, had special mouth wash & it sorted it, but not the receeding gums unfortunately :lac:
Haven't had it again since though, & it hasn't got any worse, i'm 39 now.
Maybe get your dentist to have a quick look?