View Full Version : missed period/bladder infection :(

20-04-10, 01:50
I posted about a week ago as i was due to start my period around the 28th of march and its still not come.

Around the time it was due I had the cramps and have a couple of times since then and i thought i was coming on but nothing happend.

A few days ago I went to the toilet and even after I had finished peeing I felt like I still had to go I havent had that feeling since but now I feel uncomfortable especially when I my bladders full and after I empty it. I feel very very tired and my back is really hurting :weep: I feel really run down and bloated and I just want to sleep.

My question is could this be a bladder infection and could that affect my period.

Also the back pain is often in the middle of my back and almost to between my shoulder blades yet from what I have been told the pain should be in the lower part of my back so now Im worried :shrug:

20-04-10, 01:54
I should also mention that I have taken a home pregnancy test and it was negative and I also have not had unprotected sex.

20-04-10, 12:37
Hi WB,

Cystitis perhaps? Give NHS Direct a ring.

20-04-10, 15:06
Sounds like it could be a kidney infection. My sister has a kidney problem and every month she is knackered, has bad period pains and bad pain in her back. She's currently has a kidney stent in and being investigated for endometriosis. This period was 9 days late, a long time for her when usually it's only 2 or 3 days late

22-04-10, 13:26
Yes, definately a bladder infection! It wouldn't have anything to do with your missed period though. I imagine you have been shall we say 'checking' down there too often to see if it is coming and in turn you have spread bacteria and perhaps caused the infection. I assume you have it all sorted by now though? They are nasty things and don't just go away! It is very important to get antibiotics early otherwise you could end up more susceptable in the future. (Trust me, been there done that)! Nothing to worry about though, very common :)

Kel x