View Full Version : me, defeated

20-04-10, 05:23
Hi, everyone! I've been lurking here for awhile and finally joined. My story is really too long for anyone to want to read, so I will sum it up, hopefully:

I'm 28. I've had health anxiety since I was little - having a lump on my femur that was first diagnosed as a "bone spur" and years later diagnosed as an actual tumor (it ended up being benign). I've had experiences that have really reinforced my fears -- my grandmother was sick for a few days with what she thought was the flu, went to the doctor, and it turned out to be pancreatic cancer so she had surgery, nearly immediately had a stroke, and died soon after -- my grandfather was doing fine and then one day turned orange (bad) -- my dad, who was 50 and healthy, went out for a run and died unexpectedly -- my mom had surgery, got dizzy, and it turned out to be a pulmonary embolism (thank God she's okay though).

So I have had these experiences that have kind of cemented this idea in my head that illness hides and then randomly, shockingly pops up and ends up being some horrible, deadly thing.

I also suffer from depression and bad IBS.

In the past year, I finally started seeing a psychiatrist and have tried almost every medication imaginable -- SSRIs, SNRIs, GABA stuff, mood stabilizers, off-label things, tranquilizers, etc. -- all to no avail. I have what they call "treatment resistant depression".

This past summer, I had a REALLY bad time with my depression. I also began to get recurrent UTIs for no reason and so I was on antibiotics basically from August until December. In December I got really sick with a stomach thing - they thought it might be colitis or C Diff from the antibiotics and since Flagyl wasn't working, they decided to do an upper endoscopy and a colonoscopy to check for things like Crohn's and colitis and other IBD type stuff.

The colonoscopy was fine except for a "low risk precancerous polyp" which was horrifying to me since I am only 28.

So through that illness, I lost a LOT of weight because I couldn't eat. I had no energy. All I could do was sleep. And I had a low-grade fever.

Eventually the stomach stuff calmed down enough to where I could eat solid foods again, but my IBS changed and has been worse ever since.

Anyway, tired of going through all of the starting and stopping of different medications and their awful side effects, my psychiatrist got me into a research study for ECT b/c she said ECT was 90% effective and was safe and was no longer just a "last option".

IT WAS AWFUL. (for me)

I had to get chest x-rays, spine x-rays, a brain CT, EKG, etc. before the ECT stuff and all of those things came back normal.

For the treatments, I was in the hospital for a week, during which time my anxiety was so bad that I couldn't eat much of anything, and my IBS was acting up, and the treatments were making it so that I couldn't remember anything (except for remembering that I was actually wide awake when the paralytic took effect BEFORE the anesthesia and remember the actual jolt of the ECT).

So here I am now - I dropped out of the ECT study after three treatments (you're supposed to get 8-12) and am dedicated to going back to finding a medication and doing therapy.

I have lost 20+ pounds since that illness in December.

Recently I've been having problems with UTIs again and was sent for a CT of my abdomen and pelvis. Essentially normal except for a large ovarian cyst and diverticulosis (which freaks me out).

I've been hypothyroid for over a year and now in the last several months I've been close to HYPERthyroid -- with my latest test from last week showing that I was indeed now hyperthyroid.

Hyperthyroid means increased anxiety, and a worsening of my already nagging tachycardia.

I continue to suffer spells of feeling like I have NO energy, feeling sick to my stomach, having no appetite, having hot flashes, feeling basically poisoned.

My doctor doesn't take me seriously because she knows I have health anxiety, and tends to blame everything on that.

She did, however, do a full CBC and thyroid test on me last week. She called and said the results were normal and that she was sending me a copy in the mail.

I got the copy in the mail and it wasn't actually "normal" at all:
it showed my white blood cell count was 3.9 when it should be AT LEAST 4.0.

Still, she said it was "okay" and wouldn't explain to me anything about why it would be low or what it meant.

It also showed my TSH was .2 (when it should be between .5 and 4.5) ...

So basically, I am terrified. I am terrified that I have some horrible disease - autoimmune or cancer - and that we're missing it because she doesn't take me seriously.

I don't want to die. And I am so, so, so tired of feeling so physically ill all the time. I understand some of it is anxiety - I do - but I am 99.9% sure there is also something else going on.

I'm scared.

I feel alone.

None of my friends are talking to me because they all have lives and I have been too ill to hang out lately.

I just feel absolutely doomed.

I just want to know what's wrong with me, and start treating it!

I just want to feel better physically.

I am so defeated.

And I'm sorry this post is so long.


20-04-10, 05:24
Hi rckclmbr

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

20-04-10, 05:26
Thank you, diane. I have my mom for support here, but really no one understands all this the same way as those who share it (the anxiety, the fear, etc.) like everyone here at nmp.

20-04-10, 05:55
I'm scared.

I feel alone.

None of my friends are talking to me because they all have lives and I have been too ill to hang out lately.

I just feel absolutely doomed.

I just want to know what's wrong with me, and start treating it!

I just want to feel better physically.

I am so defeated.

And I'm sorry this post is so long.



I know exactly how you are feeling. Suffering from anxiety is, I think, like living in hell. The time you most need support from friends and they just don't get it. Even when you receive support, it's common to feel like you're totally alone and isolated. The problem with your thyroid obviously won't be helping matters and the way you feel. I've found a lot of support and help on this site from so many others who are feeling like I do or have been through what I'm experiencing. It's also perfectly natural to feel defeated when what you're is experiencing is quite debilitating. Don't give up, us anxiety sufferers seldom do. It's in our very nature to fight on. Try and stay strong, it's so very difficult, I know. I'm on medication for the first time ever and it seems to be working okay for me. Let me know how it goes, I'm always happy to chat.

Take care


P.S. Don't be sorry, you're story wasn't overly long or boring and you've got as much right as anybody else to share your feelings. :)

20-04-10, 06:06
Rich W.,

Thank you for your encouraging response. I feel frustrated when I just want at least my mom to understand where I'm coming from and she doesn't ... but at the same time, I am sympathetic to the fact that if you don't experience this stuff, it's almost impossible to fully understand how it feels. So I don't get mad, just sad and alone, though I know she is very much with me.

What medication are you on? I am currently re-trying Zoloft.

How do you find hope amid all the anxiety? I want to find it. I know that's not a question you have an answer to - it's more rhetorical than anything else. But finding hope and it being something you're able to hang on to would be so, so great.

20-04-10, 06:53
I ask this of some other members, because I'm amazed at how often it gets overlooked. Have you been checked for infections? Lyme Disease, C. Pneumoniae, HSV-1, Epstein Barr, etc?

Most can cause little outward appearance of infection yet cause debilitating problems physically and neurologically. Sometimes a round of the right antibiotics will fix a lot of these problems.

Doctors are just too quick to prescribe antidepressants and psychotropics these days. This might be why you are "resistant" to treatment. You might be treating the wrong thing.

A similar thing happened to me, antidepressants were thrown at me, I was labeled with somatization disorder, etc. One day I went on antibiotics for a suspected sinus infection and noticed my mood improved and I felt better physically. It turned out later I didn't really have any signs of a sinus infection. I got to a better neurologist who screened me for a bunch of viruses and bacterial infections. Lo and behold, I had a couple troublesome ones.

bacteria and viruses do infect the brain and CNS, cause anxiety, panic attacks, depression, and all kinds of nasty neurological problems. Lyme Disease is particularly nasty, hard to diagnose and treat, and is mostly ignored by doctors. It is unfortunate since it seems to be able to be treated very well with antibiotics.

20-04-10, 08:04

I'm not sure if I've been tested for those specific infections ... but I have been on so many rounds of so many different antibiotics in the last year or two that I'd have thought any infection would have been killed off.

I have my weekly appointment with my psychiatrist in the morning, and I hope to ask her opinion about some of this medical stuff. Maybe she'll have some suggestions. I just fear it isn't as simple as something that can be cured by antibiotics.

20-04-10, 09:55
:)the only thing i can advise is mindfulness meditation as taught by jon kabat zinn - for pain, illness, stress, and depression - ive been a lifelong sufferer - but have made massive improvement in the last 2 years - lifes too short to feel like this:hugs:

20-04-10, 22:23
Rich W.,

Thank you for your encouraging response. I feel frustrated when I just want at least my mom to understand where I'm coming from and she doesn't ... but at the same time, I am sympathetic to the fact that if you don't experience this stuff, it's almost impossible to fully understand how it feels. So I don't get mad, just sad and alone, though I know she is very much with me.

What medication are you on? I am currently re-trying Zoloft.

How do you find hope amid all the anxiety? I want to find it. I know that's not a question you have an answer to - it's more rhetorical than anything else. But finding hope and it being something you're able to hang on to would be so, so great.


Always happy to chat. I'm on Citalopram 20mg and tomorrow will be 7 weeks since I started. I definitely feel much better than I did, although the first 3 weeks after commencing the meds were hell - anxiety soaring through the roof, being the most disturbing side effect. I might opt to up the doseage by 10mg, if I'm still not feeling 100% by the end of next week. From being totally petrified to go anywhere or do anything, I'm back at work, driving to and from the city, about 45 minutes each way - so things are getting better, just not quite there yet. Spending time with family and loved ones did help me immensly and it forced me to keep going about my every day business (even though I felt like I was a complete psycho).

Hope you're feeling better soon, stick with it, I don't think words do it justice in regards to describing just how tough a process it is.

Take Care


06-06-10, 22:54
hi rich are you from the uk i am hypothyroid and if my tsh was 2 i would be ill i felt best when my tsh was 0.05 at the moment i am trying to come of antidepresants so not to good mabie you should have a look on thyroid uk

Going home
07-06-10, 00:08
What I don't understand is, if you've had a positive test showing a large ovarian cyst and are below normal on the thyroid tests, why would any medical doctor ignore those results? A large ovarian cyst would surely cause problems and could account for alot of symptoms, as would a low thyroid count. Maybe you need to change your doctor and get one who will take you seriously.

Anna xxx