View Full Version : Blipping

20-04-10, 06:32
Hi All

After a week of almost daily improvement, I seem to have hit a bit of a blip. I'm 6.5 weeks into Citalopram 20mg and feel the drug only settled really after 5 weeks or so. I can feel the anxiety lurking and I don't like it. Any stories you'd like to share, I'm all ears.



20-04-10, 20:41
Hi Rich,

I have experienced exacly the same as you -and still do sometimes. I am on month 4 of Citalopram 20mg and do get blips. I also get times when I can feel the anxiety/depression looming in the background but it never actually happens! I think it is quite normal!

Hope you feel better soon!

20-04-10, 21:31
Hi Rich

From what I understand the citalopram works faster on depression than it does on anxiety.. and it can initially increase anxiety levels.

You are going to get blips, as anxiety is just a normal bodily response that goes into overdrive.. yeah I know the knowledge doesn't help the symptoms when they kick in.. which is always a bummer!

If you are not suffering any side effects that are hampering your days I'd say stick with it ..you will feel a definite improvement over time.

I did start to overcome the symptoms on citalopram but they didn't agree with me so I've started on a different Medication, but all said and done I really did get alot of relief from them .. good luck x

20-04-10, 22:25
Hi Rich

From what I understand the citalopram works faster on depression than it does on anxiety.. and it can initially increase anxiety levels.

You are going to get blips, as anxiety is just a normal bodily response that goes into overdrive.. yeah I know the knowledge doesn't help the symptoms when they kick in.. which is always a bummer!

If you are not suffering any side effects that are hampering your days I'd say stick with it ..you will feel a definite improvement over time.

I did start to overcome the symptoms on citalopram but they didn't agree with me so I've started on a different Medication, but all said and done I really did get alot of relief from them .. good luck x

Hey up Sharonski,
Hows the espionage business these days lol?

11-05-10, 01:19
Hi Rich, I'm in the same boat. I've been on Citalopram just over 2 months. There's no question that overall I've been much improved since taking Citalopram, and I can definitely feel the benefits, but the anxiety is still there and over the past week especially I've really felt it creep back in, (which has been a harsh reminder of what it was like before I started on it). I felt an improvement when I went from 10 to 20mg, and have been wondering for the past month whether I'm still not on the right dose. I'm not expecting a miracle from medication, but equally I'm not feeling right on it.

I'm thinking of having a chat with the doctor about dosage. The least they'll do is nothing, which leaves me exactly where I am now, do I figure I've not got much to lose.

What's been happening since you posted? Have you found the anxiety subsiding at all?

11-05-10, 11:31
What's been happening since you posted? Have you found the anxiety subsiding at all?

Hi Cardea

10 weeks in now and feel almost 100 percent. Can't remember what it felt like to be anxious all the time. There really has been a huge improvement since I first posted on this thread. Week 8 for me was when I started to feel like a normal human being - no wierd feelings, no blurry vision, able to get on with things, not constantly analysing how I was feeling etc. I have flown several times in the last couple of weeks, including today and I even nodded off for most of the flight! In short, Citalopram is the best thing that ever happened to me, never thought I'd get to this point and don't know where I'd be without it. I'm back to gymming 5 times a week and coaching junior football. Every day seems better than the last. Mid way through week 7, I was still saying: if I don't feel right by the end of 8 weeks, I'm going to up the dose. Turns out I didn't need to. I read somewhere that Cit can take up to 12 weeks to be fully effective. For me it was easy to keep going because each improvement was so marked and I felt I could keep track of the progress I was making as a result of the drug.

As you say, talking to your GP won't hurt nothing.

I still didn't feel quite myself even a week ago but it seems each day that passes makes a huge difference.

I hope you find success and I wish you the very best of luck. Please feel free to contact me anytime if you need to talk.



11-05-10, 16:03
Thanks, that's really great to hear! And certainly fills me with renewed confidence. I have a hospital appointment towards the end of May so will see how the next couple of weeks go I think. Glad to hear it's been working for you! As I say I have been feeling the benefits. Keep me updated with how you're getting on!