View Full Version : Stress at work

22-01-06, 20:02
I just thought I'd give you all the benefit of something I've learnt recently - something that is the key to my illness, it seems.

I'd been ill for over 6 months with various things and when the panic attacks started, I had to have a month off work. Things improved. When I returned to work after xmas, I went downhill again. It was then that I decided to investigate exactly what stress at work really is.

According to the Health and Safety Executive in the UK, the following things can lead to stress at work:

* too much – or too little – to do
* boring or repetitive work
* role confusion
* lack of control
* lack of communication and consultation
* blame culture
* lack of support for individuals to develop their skills
* inflexible work schedules
* poor working relationships with others
* bullying, racial or sexual harassment
* physical danger (such as risk of violence) and poor working conditions (such as noise).

I realised that I could tick several of these boxes.

Last week, I wrote a timeline of all the issues that had been bothering me at work over the last year or two (I'm a manager in an IT company). There were lots of things that had been frustrating me over a long period of time. My own manager was off with long-term stress/depression too.

I went into work for a meeting with the H&S guy and spent hours going through it. I felt that, at a minimum, I needed to offload it all. Anyway, the guy agreed with me that there are several strong points that need sorting and he is going to pursue them for me. He was very knowledgeable about anxiety/panic attacks too and said it is a common result of stress at work.

I now feel empowered and more than a little relieved to have shed this frustration. I've been signed off for another month and they have assured me that things will be different when I return.

So the moral of the tale is that if you are avoiding work due to anxiety, it might actually be that your work is the problem after all. Even if you didn't realise it at first.

I know that is not always the case, but if you relate to anything on that list, it's worth thinking about. It's all too easy to become complacent about your own needs at work - after all, hassle at work is normal isn't it?

Eeb x

22-01-06, 20:47

Congratulations for taking steps to help yourself and improve your situation at work.

That is empowering in itself and motivating that maybe some steps can be taken to improve things for you all there.


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

22-01-06, 21:11
Eeb, I just have to reinforce what Meg said, I think it is absolutely brilliant that you took the initiative to research this topic (I think it affects many of us on this site!) I think it's great, too, that you spoke to HR about it, very brave! A bit shout out to you and hopefully others on this site can utilize the list in a positive way.


"This too, shall pass"

01-02-06, 22:25
Hi Eeb

I just thought I'd have a look at your other posts and think it's brilliant the way you are approaching things.

Well done for tackling the problems head on!

I always thought that the main problem was lack of job satisfaction, i.e. never feeling that any progress was being made, or anything positive achieved - and the more you work the more work you are given thing!

Or to put it another way having to work sucks (choosing to is another matter lol!).




02-02-06, 12:17
Thanks all for your encouraging replies!

Progress so far is that after the meeting, I had to write up a report and send it in via the guy I saw. In a rather do-or-die way, I pointed out some serious home truths which will cause a ripple or two. I figured that they'll either do something or they won't, therefore I'll either stay or I'll leave. However, knowing about the stress at work guidelines, I'm sure they'll have to make an attempt to change something as it could land them in hot water if they don't try (we're talking tribunals, constructive dismissal etc). I certainly don't want to go down that road, what with me anxiety and all!!

I await contact from one of the directors. Will keep you posted...

Eeb x

02-02-06, 15:24
Thanks for that Info Eeb. I found something similar before and added it to the website....

Stress At Work (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/NMPcms.php?nmppage=stressatwork)

I am glad you are doing something about yours as well.


02-02-06, 23:52
Hi Nic,

Sorry, I hadn't seen that. Thanks for the link.

Eeb x

02-02-06, 23:55
Hey it is not a problem atall - I had forgotten about it too! It was hidden in the site but I remember doing it so dug it out for you - thought it may help?


04-02-06, 14:30
Eeby and Nicola,
Thanks so much for those posts. Its more than good. Positive attitude at work I find is extremely important. Quote:"blame culture" is something that can cause a great deal of frustration and can skrew up the morale. I have been in the past subjected to a workplace where the 10 out of the 11 points were present. To make things worse, there was caffine, smoking and alchohol as well, but thanks to time, times have changed.... Complaining agressively ensured that the workplace has now changed for others who are still working there, when I call them I can see how happy they are about that fact that we who came out of there helped them by complaining about the problems there.
