View Full Version : Worried about effects of alcohol.

20-04-10, 10:52
I have come to the conclusion that I drink too much wine. :unsure:

I think it's making me more anxious. I keep getting worried about damage that the alcohol might have done to my liver etc.

I think it is just a habit thing when I'm at home - get the kids off to bed & relax with a glass of wine. But one glass, leads to 3 or 4 quite regularly. :blush: I don't seem to have this problem if I'm out for a meal. One glass will suffice then no problem, which is why I think it's a habitual thing when I'm at home. Any advice on how to break the habit?!

I'm not alcohol dependant. My father-in-law is an alcoholic (sober 10 years), so I understand about that. I just feel I should drink less than I currently do, but I don't have a lot of willpower. Perhaps if I could find a particularly nice soft drink to enjoy in the evenings?!!!

20-04-10, 10:58

Had the same problem , only thing that substitutes Alcohol is something nice to drink like J2O very high in sugar though.Only trouble is I drink bottles off it .

20-04-10, 11:38
I have been thinking the same thing, I can go weekes without drinking but if we have friends over I end up drining too much and end up suffering for 2days after.

I have been trying to think of a nice soft drink that I could drink to, if you find one let let me know what it is