View Full Version : Panic attack in MRI

20-04-10, 13:26
I had to have a brain MRI for migraines the other day and had a panic attack as soon as my head entered the scanner. I have never experienced claustrophobia before but felt like I was being smothered in the scanner and really had to get out.
I know the fear is irrational and that there is no danger but I still cant seem to prevent the feelings of panic. I was asked to close my eyes but this made me feel worse, like I needed to have a view of my surroundings. I have heard there are open MRI scanners - does anyone know if there are any in scotland?

Going home
20-04-10, 13:41
Hi there I think alot of people have this feeling inside these scanners and avoid them if possible. I only know of two hospitals in England with an open scanner, one is in Liverpool and the other in Cheltenham, but there's probably many more around the country now. My brother has used an open sided scanner and he said its like being under a sunbed so is much better for us phobics! Call your local health dept and ask if they can tell where there might be one in Scotland.

Best wishes
Anna :)

20-04-10, 13:52
You could ask for a sedative?