View Full Version : What's bothering you today?

20-04-10, 18:50

Plenty of pvcs or skipped beats with a feeling of weakness - I think it's sudden death syndrome

migraine headache - aneurysm

shooting head pains - impending stroke or aneurysm

lower chest pains - heart attack or if not that it must be stomach cancer

Mainly though, today, my overriding fear is stroke or aneurysm.

How was your day?

Cell block H fan
20-04-10, 18:56
Smear test tomorrow morning :lac:
Dreading it.
Worrying about the lumps on my dog. Had a couple checked out about a year ago, they think its just fatty lumps. Noticed a massive one yesterday, seeing if it goes by next week. Might have to take her to the vets.
HA even stretches to the family pet here! :)

20-04-10, 20:04
mouth ulcers, one goes, another comes. had at least 5 or 6 now.
cervical cancer
brain tumour

tomorow could be different. deep joy!

sarah x

20-04-10, 20:18
sexual dysfunction, why did the doc not mention that when she perscribed Citaloparam! Wait till I see her for my medication review :)

20-04-10, 21:01
brain tumour
sudden death
cancer in general


20-04-10, 21:05
Brain tumor.
my life.

20-04-10, 21:08
Nothing physical, just my husband still being stuck in the States a week after her was meant to be returning.

20-04-10, 21:10
carys im so sorry to hear that!.... it must be a huge pain and upset to be honest... i really hope he returns soon

20-04-10, 21:12
OH thanks, no it's ok really...he is in a nice hotel, with good food and access to communication and nice places to visit. Some people are in much worse situations in this current volcano crisis - those who are sleeping on floors with their children or going out of business ! However, the good news is that the flight restrictions are lifting from tonight, so maybe he will be home in a couple of days. Also, it has kind of taken my mind off myself for the last week, which is good ;o)

21-04-10, 01:17
Sore ribs for me today. Not really worried about it, I've come to know it well as a symptom of prolonged anxiety.

21-04-10, 01:47
I have electrical shock sensations on the outsides of my thighs...this after I went for a 2 mile walk.

So yeah, nagging fear of clots...but more like why I am getting nerve like pain?

21-04-10, 04:39
Feeling flat....I don't know why my hubby will be home tomorrow,I should be happy.:weep:

21-04-10, 09:36
not such a good day for me either..old fears are looming

Brain tumour
bloodshot eyes(eye cancer)

Just another normal day for me!!!

21-04-10, 09:50
That i have let my family down... again... havnt been out in ages they wanted to take me shopping at york. i cant after last time i'm sure i will die how stup does that sound:weep:

21-04-10, 10:35
woken 3 times with palpitations
heart attack worry
deaf in left ear
brain tumour
sinus problems affecting sense of smell
Brain tumour again
very stressed out

21-04-10, 12:37
thinking i have thyroid! x

21-04-10, 12:42
waking up with a constant headache... does anyone else get this... it is usually on my left side... its horrible

21-04-10, 12:54
clot in leg and resulting stroke / heart attack.
ectopics so fear of heart attack.

Seeing psychologist tomorrow (if I survive today). :o)

21-04-10, 13:02
That i have let my family down... again... havnt been out in ages they wanted to take me shopping at york. i cant after last time i'm sure i will die how stup does that sound:weep:

It doesn't sound stupid at all. I had a period like that, which after some counselling, I managed to get over. It's not easy I know. I've always been so independent, so I felt so helpless when I was like that. I DID beat it though! There is hope. :o)

21-04-10, 13:14
The same fear that I have every day, that I'm going mad or on the verge of a mental breakdown!

21-04-10, 14:49
they think i may have ibs,,, no its cancer of the colon,

21-04-10, 15:31
I am beingvery meladramatic at the mo with Ovarian Cancer (feel bloated), neck cancer (bad neck since December) and throat cancer(lump in throat) ARGHHHHH!!!!!

21-04-10, 16:07
Continuous stomach problems over the last few weeks. Wish my GP would just bite the bullet and send me for an endoscopy. The more he dithers, the more worried I'm becoming. Stomach cramps bad this afternoon. Desperately want to know what's causing this crippling pain. Today I fee like I'm living under a death sentence.

21-04-10, 16:45

Today I have ovarian cancer. My reasoning for this is that I'm bleeding quite heavily (sorry for tmi!! :blush:), I've got shooting pains really low down & I've also had 3 rounds of IVF & there is strong evidence that women who've had fertility treatment are more at risk of OC. As soon as I heard that (via Dr Google) that set me RIGHT off on one.

I also had a liver function test done last week & the results were normal. I STILL think my eyes are looking yellow so CLEARLY my GP has mixed my results up with someone elses....

Oh the joys of HA.....


21-04-10, 21:15
Breast cancer, cervical cancer, vulva cancer (sorry tmi!!!), ovarian cancer, liver cancer, colon cancer, melanoma under my big toe........ oh and ear cancer.

21-04-10, 21:15
Oh and mouth cancer. I forgot about that.x

21-04-10, 22:01
Stupidly had a cigarette when coming down with a cold, now
belive I am going to get
pnemonia from fanged lungs, that's after
1 cigarette in about 6 months, why did I do it???????

21-04-10, 22:02
Above should say "damaged lungs" not fanged
lungs, blummin predictive text!!!

22-04-10, 02:38
Today and for the last couple of days I'm back to worrying about my heart. Despite having a full cardiac workout only 3 months ago, and an ECG and bloods taken a few days ago I'm still convinced I'm gonna drop dead from a heart attack, and after Google-ing myself silly in the past I'm afraid of every possibly heart problem, arryhthmia, VT, VF...EVERYTHING!!!

22-04-10, 07:30
Today it is melanoma somewhere under my hair, where i can't see it

22-04-10, 07:32
i cant go to toliet and im so bloated , that im worried i could atcally blow up,, cause nothen is moving anywhere,, and its got to go somewhere

22-04-10, 10:34
still mouth ulcers!

anyone else get these? seem to be continuous for last couple of weeks now. one comes, as it goes another appears?
sarah x

22-04-10, 10:44
that i woke up feeling good and then because my anxiety hates this it sent me a few ectopics just to make sure i went back to feeling on edge. Had a painful toe this morning which i decided was infected and then the infection would go into my bone and then kill me, how dramatic?! pain wasnt even that bad and now ive rememberd to check if it hurt it has stopped. Anxiety is so tiring and such a waste of time and energy :mad:

22-04-10, 10:51
having palpations worrying when the blokes get back from Brisbane,a house full of bloody drunken bikies,my stress levels are through the roof:mad:

22-04-10, 13:04
Having plenty of PVC's this last few days! I thought i had gotten on top of them and learnt acceptance! Silly me! Although i do have alot of gas popping and gurgling around my stomach, you think it could be related??

Kel x

22-04-10, 13:05
i have a fatty bulge on my upper thigh. convinced its terminal cancer. dr said its just a fatty tumor but my mind keeps convincing myself its the real deal.....living with health anxiety if pure hell

22-04-10, 13:16
Really dizzy today,heavy chest & feel spaced out convinced it is something sinister but deep down know that it is because I have increased my meds & had a very rough night with the baby & things are always worse when tired.

Hate living like this :(

22-04-10, 13:30
Hey mamajane.
My hubby has had one of those on his back for over 5 years! He trusted the doc even though everyone can see it through his shirt when he bends over! They look in horror! He calls it his twin brother! Hehehe. Funny how people without health anxiety just get on with it eh?

Kel x

23-04-10, 09:35
i love this thread, not being rude but its makes me laugh as most of us know deep down that we are fine, it makes light of out situations, and just making us laugh is medicine. xx

23-04-10, 10:00
Breathing problems - deep breaths, yawning, sighing ,cough, clearing my throat. Don't know if it is asthma or panic breathing or both. Feel really tense in my upper back, neck and shoulders too!

23-04-10, 11:10
Tension and fear...palps.

23-04-10, 11:58
Breathing problems - deep breaths, yawning, sighing ,cough, clearing my throat. Don't know if it is asthma or panic breathing or both. Feel really tense in my upper back, neck and shoulders too!

I get all these symptoms when i panic or i'm anxious.
The tenseness in my back, neck and shoulders really hurt too, i find a hot water bottle helps.

23-04-10, 12:45
Heartburn - other than that I'm fine.

23-04-10, 19:31
I've had dizziness for the past 3 days, like my brain is spinning inside my head. Unsteady - so worried something is wrong, not sure what. Also my IBS has been worse recently then it suddenly dawned on me, maybe its not IBS and maybe its bowel cancer. Also tired and worried its an underactive thyroid. It just gets beter!

23-04-10, 20:12
well it was a brain tumour yesterday and today its heart failure...surely to goodness i couldnt have both....:ohmy:

23-04-10, 20:25
Mine is chest sensations that freak me out, ah health anxiety, my nemesis I will get round to fighting you one day, just got to stop
freaking out first...

26-04-10, 08:32
think im ok today :)

26-04-10, 10:19
Breast cancer:weep:

I ahve pain and a lump (I think) been referred to breast clinic and am waiting for an appt - I hate waiting, drives me insane!:wacko:


26-04-10, 10:36
Today it's:

shooting pains in my lower chest that have resurfaced recently - I'm convinced it's some kind of cancer, blockage or strangulated hernia. The pains only last for a few seconds each but usually after eating and the pain level is 9/10 ie makes me break into a sweat sometimes.

On the plus side my headache has gone palps are reduced and toe/finger are no longer numb....

Sometimes writing this stuff makes me laugh at the stupidity of HA