View Full Version : Low Blood Sugar Symptoms

22-01-06, 20:14
Lately I've been getting low blood sugar symptoms, feeling shaky, light headed, but when I eat it goes away. I have seen my GP and he says I'm not diabetic, so why does it happen?? Could it be anything to do with anxiety?

Any input would be very welcome.


22-01-06, 20:19
I get something similair myself, i sometimes get very lightheaded and shaky but when i eat it eases off, i have been tested for diabetes afew times but i haven't got it and i dont know what causes it either.

22-01-06, 20:25
Hi Tim

I am exactly the same. If I go for more than 3 hours without food I start to get very lightheaded, shaky and the feeling that Im going to pass out if I dont eat something. I eat healthily and regularly and like you have been tested for diabetes. I am not sure how much is psychological though because the other night i had my dinner at 5.30, ate a slice of toast at 7.30 cos i was going out so that was to last me til i got back home. By 11 I was starting to get anxious but I knew it was time for me to eat something but I went back to my friends house and watched part of a film and by the time I got home at 12.30 I realised I hadnt had my usual fix of food and I was OK - the symptoms had worn off. I have always used food to help deal with my panic attacks.

Not sure about you but my fix has to be bread related!!

Good luck in finding out more.

Darkangel x

........life is for living not just for surviving

22-01-06, 20:39
Hypoglycemia (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=189)
Gi Diet (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=3179)
sugar addiction and our moods. (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=6908)


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

22-01-06, 21:13
tim this is very common and while it is not nice, hearing all of us have it will hopefully make you feel better.

it is directly related to food. i find the symptoms of anxiety get worse altogether with lack of food.

hope this helps


26-01-06, 04:00
I suffer it too.Its called hypoglycemia and produces the same symptoms as anxiety.
Try having a morning and afternoon snack as well as a banana before bed. Low GI foods work best. Works for me

Don't believe everything you think.

26-01-06, 11:40
I get this also.

I've been suffering from Anxiety and Panic Attacks for the last Nine months. I find that when I get hungry my sugar level drops really low and I HAVE to eat within the next 30 minutes or I'll go past it and have indigestion or a full blown panic attack.

I took some time off work for awhile and did really well. I had a strict routine when it came to food. I would eat a bowl of Porridge for Breakfast (with Water, not Milk), some toast with a slice of ham ontop as a mid morning snack, a full lunch (not junk food) with a pudding, a piece of fruit or more toast as a afternoon snack, a full dinner and then perhaps more toast as supper.

Following this pattern I found that I didn't have any problems for 2-3 weeks and was making great progress.

Going back to work though and this changed. I still have the porridge, but snacks in between meals have become biscuits and choclate flapjacks instead of the toast/ham. Over the last two weeks I have felt the anxiety creeping back in...

I wonder if this is down to the biscuit snacks...

16-06-10, 04:34
I suffer it too.Its called hypoglycemia and produces the same symptoms as anxiety.
Try having a morning and afternoon snack as well as a banana before bed. Low GI foods work best. Works for me

Don't believe everything you think.

Thanks for the great posts. I want to begin by saying I stress to the bone. I worry about the same things all the time. But it's not about being unhappy, it's just about habitual anxiety.

I have bouts of weakness that come on fast and hard in the later afternoon, can seem to be triggered by a stressful thought, if I eat oatmeal in the morning with nothing else (you guys call it porridge I think:) I crash hard. I thought that was an interesting mention because many of you mention eating porridge. Usually my "sugar drops" I call them, are satisfied by as much food and fast as I can get the junkier the better.

Now, that being said, the drops have been more frequent lately. I attribute that to a sudden decrease in exercise. I used to be an avid tread miller. I also attribute it to a sudden increase in sugar. For the last two or three years I have really limited my consumption of hydrogenated oils and sugar to almost none at times. Focusing on supplementing heart healthy oils and whole grains. 5 months or so, and I have these bouts about twice a week now and they are getting scary. Oddly enough I have some kind of strange reaction that radiates a dull ache or some kind of impulse down my right toe.

When I have these bouts, I feel like I could pass out, or puke or go to sleep or cry or something. . and then with a good meal, they go away.

16-06-10, 12:58
im so glad someone else brought this up - this is causing me major problems at the moment. I get so scared of having a dip in my blood sugar im eating constantly and iv put on nealr 2 stone in a year because im scared to be too hungry! I try and eat healthyly but i get to about 2 -3pm and crash and just eat biscuits or go ahead bars or bread, anything for a sugar hit! Im too scared to change my diet as i know i will get huge sugar and carb cravings which im worried about but i know in order to have a more stable blood sugar i should folow a low gi diet - im too scared to go through the cravings first though!
its rubbish - im tired of being a fatty! - i think this is called being stuck between a rock and a hard place! any suggestions welcome!
anna xx

jaded jean
16-06-10, 15:48
Hey bananas are good they are a slow release food, I tend to graze throught the day having a good dinner in the evening. and a milky drink either hot chocolate or horlicks before bed.

17-06-10, 19:11
I have this quite often 2. I would say 3 days out of five and i will get the same symptoms at almost the same time on these days (usually at work, over stressed and hungry). I keep a bar of chocolate in my desk drawer for these occasions.

Usually happens between 3 and half past, supper is at 5ish so i pop a few squares of choc into my mouth and give it a few minutes, i feel better after this.

Body needs sugar of any kind......

20-06-10, 00:21
im so glad someone else brought this up - this is causing me major problems at the moment. I get so scared of having a dip in my blood sugar im eating constantly and iv put on nealr 2 stone in a year because im scared to be too hungry! I try and eat healthyly but i get to about 2 -3pm and crash and just eat biscuits or go ahead bars or bread, anything for a sugar hit! Im too scared to change my diet as i know i will get huge sugar and carb cravings which im worried about but i know in order to have a more stable blood sugar i should folow a low gi diet - im too scared to go through the cravings first though!
its rubbish - im tired of being a fatty! - i think this is called being stuck between a rock and a hard place! any suggestions welcome!
anna xx

Just cut down slowly I think. Cut out one snack per day for a week and go from there. Presumably you get through the night without eating so your body can cope for hours without a snack. Maybe have a lie-in at the weekend, skip breakfast and see what happens :) You'll probably find it's not a problem.