View Full Version : Frustrated

20-04-10, 21:39
So I've lost my appetite about a week ago and been having throat and chest tightness, went to the doctor, reveiwed my blood work all is well. Why don't I want to eat? I did the wrong thing and looked up loss of appetite on google and got cancer as a possiblity, only feeding into my symptoms. I haven't slept, been gagging, trembling and convinced myself I have cancer.

When will I feel like eating again, i've been drinking water and tea, and eating bits of canned fruit here and there. This can't be healthy.

Has anyone else lost their appetite for long periods of time? what did you do to get it back?

23-04-10, 10:10
firstly,never google a symptom its sure to give the wrong,as your well aware of!,i lost my appetite some months ago due to my anxiety,it was 3wk before it got back to norm,and i like you, yust picked here and there,my doc told me to stop picking and eat little but often each day and eventually my appetite was back to normal,maybe a food suplement, there are many in the shops to choose from you coud try.do you suffer from anxiety?,you didnt say this could be the reason.try reading at night,distract your mind from wondering,also a hot milk,oveltine ect,anything that you find will relax you is good.google is fine for anything,but not( symptom searching.)i hope you feel better soon.xx

23-04-10, 14:06
this has happen to me the way round it (for me any way) is eat something you know you love

23-04-10, 15:15
I cant eat when I am anxious - some people cant stop eating when they are anxious. The first thing anx seems to effect is stomach for some reason.

Ameekid...your blog is great and made me smile, thanks

24-04-10, 12:37
Could do with that. You could invite people to add there own little quips...what a fun blog anyway, and a positive attitude you have. Take care