View Full Version : Hello Darlings!

social gadfly
21-04-10, 06:50
Hello dolls. My name Samantha and I have a panic disorder and GAD as well, however I'm not on medication mainly because I want to try to overcome any issues without the help of mass amount of prescription drugs so I meditate daily and 80% of the time I feel centered and anxiety isn't an issue. However I do have a low dose of Lorazepam for the times when I cannot gather control over myself. I have a fear of dying, and the smallest infractions tend to make me believe that I'm bedding closer to death. Such as my heart beating a bit fast, means I must be having a heart attack despite that I'm only 20 years old and in perfect healthy. I'm always at the doctor's as well. Despite the fact that I know I'm not dying, I still feel as if I am as if I'm arguing with two mindsets and I'm battling over reality and this fictitious looming death I feel is behind me.

21-04-10, 06:54
Hi social gadfly

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

Noel E.
21-04-10, 07:38
Congratulations on trying to do it on your own without medications. Good luck!

21-04-10, 10:07
Hi social gadfly

:welcome:to NMP. It's great that you've joined. There is so much information & help here.

Best wishes :)

21-04-10, 10:34
Well Samantha,

Nice opening line, and as we British would say "Well herrrrlllo. Ding Dong" in our best Leslie Philips accent.:winks:

Welcome on board to a wonderful site of strangely wonderful people.

one of us

Vanilla Sky
21-04-10, 13:44
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome: Paige x

Veronica H
21-04-10, 15:46
:welcome:Samantha. This is a friendly warm place with great information and support.


22-04-10, 22:34
Welcome :) Hppe you have fun and find the support you are after


23-04-10, 02:56
Hi and welcome to NMP,


23-04-10, 03:43
Hello darl,sweetypie,welcome...

23-04-10, 13:54
Hi there,
I don't come on here as often as I used to since iv been getting better, Like you I too don't take any med's, I'm doing the no caffeine, no alcohol, no sugar after 6pm, lots of excercise diet, it really helps me but its hard when every quickening heart beat is a heart attack, every lump is cancer and every headache is a brain tumour cause that's my life too (at the moment, must stay positive that's its not forever) with 2 children to bring up, I fear dying & leaving them without a mother but since chatting on here, controling my diet & using positive thinking i'm getting much better. Hope it helps to know your not alone!!

Take care Charlotte xxx