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View Full Version : Hit on the head!

social gadfly
21-04-10, 07:08
Well, I was leaning back on one of my shelves, and about fifteen books fell down, and a few of them hit on the head. I don't have a bump on it, and a bruise I'm quite unsure, however it doesn't hurt that much, but I have a very small headache. Could anything wrong be going on ? Should I go to the hospital, perhaps I have a concussion or something. I am yawning, but I don't know if I'm tired because it's late or because if I go to sleep I'll die.

21-04-10, 07:23
Try not to worry. I am sure you will be fine.

Just keep an eye on yourself for 24 hours, if you are sick or unusually drowsey then maybe go to see your doctor as you could have consusion but it is highlu unlikely.

You are bound to have a headache after a bang to the head. If you weren't knocked unconcious it is very unlikely you have done any damage.

Noel E.
21-04-10, 07:39
Haha sounds like just a DUH! moment. Just laugh it off, imagine that if you saw it in a movie, you'd probably laugh right?

social gadfly
21-04-10, 19:52
haha, It was actually quite hilarious. A thunderous storm of books toppling onto my head ! haha, That is until I thought of the consequences. Well, I suppose I'm alive, so all is well.