View Full Version : citalopram and alcohol

21-04-10, 09:16

I've been taking citalopram for three weeks now and I've gradually started to feel better. Yesterday I had a brilliant day, I was still feeling quite anxious, but I managed to get everything done that I wanted to and even managed to pick my son up from school which I haven't done for the last five weeks.

So last night my husband went out to the pub with some friends and I thought I'd have a couple of glasses of wine while watching tele. I know it says on the citalopram info that you're advised not to drink alcohol, but I thought a couple of glasses would be OK, and I ended up having half a bottle (actually two mini quarter bottles so I know it wasn't any more than that). This morning when I woke up the old morning anxiety was back again big time, I feel shaky, sick, dizzy, I've got a really thick head and I can't think clearly. My husband has taken the kids to school and pre school and I'm dreading the rest of the day. He's had loads of time off work recently to look after me and I can't keep asking him to take time off.

Anyhow, does anybody else drink alcohol while taking citalopram? I used to really enjoy having a couple of glasses of wine while watching tele on an evening!


21-04-10, 12:52
Hi Helen,

I'm on 20mg citalopram. I do feel like I've got a hangover, but I only had half a bottle of wine and I don't normally get a hangover from that. I suppose I'll just have to drink less in future! I've got this horrible derealisation feeling though and I don't like it, it makes me feel like I'm just about to lose it!! Nevermind, it will pass, I keep telling myself, and it's a lovely day outside.


21-04-10, 13:14
You can often find the Cit enhances the feeling of the alcohol .It can have the effect of twice the ammount you drink ..Until you have been on it a bit longer it may be better to stick to drinking just a glass or some beer .Better still avoid it, until you have been on it a bit longer and you reach your theraputic dose .Drink plenty of fruit juice and water today .You will find it helps .Take care Sue x:hugs:

21-04-10, 13:50
Agree with Cit magnifying the effect in the first few weeks. I found it a good way of saving pennies. One or two glasses was sufficient to mellow and a bottle would last me and her in doors a couple of days, instead of going down like water in one evening.

As a scientist I shall cinduct a contolled trail and report in a while "On the Interaction of Moet Chandon and Citerlo..er....mmmmmmm"