View Full Version : "off" days

21-04-10, 12:52
Hi there all.

Just wondering whether any of you have any "off" days.

Some days, like today, I can't really put my finger on why I don't feel good. All I know is that I'm just not myself. I'm not ill I don't think but I feel nauseous, I have absoluetly NO energy (too tired to even talk...), I feel like I could sleep for a week, feel achey, really spaced out & just feel generally very anxious. I probably have one of these days about once a week.

I'm pretty sure its just anxiety but then obviously I start to dream up all of the hideous ailments & illnesses it might be. Today, I'm thinking that I could have ovarian cancer cos I had 3 rounds of IVF (which increases your chance of getting OC apparently) & I have pains low down in the tummy. I had a liver function test last week cos I was getting pains in my liver area & was convinced that the whites of my eyes were going yellow. As I am a regular drinker my GP suggested that we do a liver function test which came back normal. Still, today, only days later, I am frantically checking the whites of my eyes again, am CONVINCED that they are yellow so clearly they mixed up my "real" results with someone elses. Literally had to stop myself from ringing my Dr's surgery earlier just to "make sure" they got my results right. I'm sure they think I'm mad.... :wacko:

Will this HA ever leave me be, I wonder???? :shrug:

Corinna xx

21-04-10, 13:29
know how you feel......i hate the off days....especially when ive felt absolutly fine the day before.Im also having concerns about my eyes at the moment...they look more bloodshot than usual and im convinced the whites arent like they use to be and look a bit grey......god i wish it would leave me too!!

margaret jones
21-04-10, 16:40
Just like me good day yesterday tired today for no reason other than a slight head cold feel shattered and cant stop yawning grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. Slept well so should not be tired have not exerted myself , but yesterday i was at my volunteer job on the go all day and was ok . Maybe i need to work more ??? or stop thinking about health ???

Take Care Maggie

21-04-10, 19:27
i have 'off' days quite often, very similar to yours and can never put my finger on it! You're not alone that's for sure! I read a post on here not too long ago along the lines of 'you can't be 100% all of the time' and it's true enough! Yesterday a hole could have swallowed me up and i wouldn't have bothered but today is a different story.

It's true how the saying goes ' what a difference a day makes' - the cloud passes eventually. Distraction is key i think.

Feel better soon
