View Full Version : Hello

21-04-10, 16:19
Hi everyone

I'm Becca, I found this site today when I was googling to find out about side effects of medication & I can't believe that it has been here all this time whilst I have been suffering & I never knew.

A little about me - I'm mum to 3 & my first anxiety episode was in 2005 after my middle child was rushed to hospital after an allergic reaction, I found myself very nervous & constantly worrying that it would happen again.
My family encouraged me to go to the doctors to get some help, so I did.
He prescribed Paroxetine for me which I started taking straight away a few days passed & I had just felt tired & a bit 'spaced out' but one evening I began to feel really unwell & my heart felt like it was constantly flipping over & was beating so fast. The doctors advised an ambulance & I was rushed off to hospital where I was hooked to every monitor possible & was told I would probably be admitted as they couldn't control my heart rate. Eventually I was let out with no further advise or tests but was issued Diazepam to take when feeling anxious & was told to stop the Paroxetine as they thought it was a reaction to them. So I tried a Diazepam which really knocked me out, I couldn't even stand without holding onto things as I felt as if I was really drunk.
I saw the GP again & they tried me on Citalopram but yet again I had the same thing happen.

I had got used to the idea that I would basically have to struggle alone, things got tough at home & my husband was having to take more & more time off work to be with me,the GP then advised me to take Fluoxetine 20mg which I did & I was fine and continued on these until Dec 2008 when I found out I was expecting my 3rd child & was advised by my GP to stop them, when the Midwife found out she was very un-happy as she said it would have been best to monitor me on the tabs instead of running the risk of making the previous symtpoms worse.
Anyway I managed fine even with a very tough pregnancy & birth.
No signs of post natal depression as I was told I might have so all was looking good.
A few months later & I started to develop really bad pains in my side, I found out I had gallstones which I needed surgery for, fortunately all went well although I had a reaction to something that I was given in theatre as yet again my heart rate & BP were extremely high.

Nine months later I started to have very bad dizzy spells & these got worse & worse and my legs would feel very weak & it would feel like I was trembling inside amongst many other symptoms I googled loads & got mixed results from anxiety to MS.
I saw my GP & they thought it might be my ears or eyes but that it could be anxiety so to start back on the Fluoxetine 20mg, which I did.
I had my eyes tested & all was fine. Had bloods done & all fine, I'm now awaiting results from an ECG & for my referral to see someone in ENT to rule everything out just to make sure.
They increased my Fluoxetine to 40mg as I feel no different on 20mg & the symptoms are still the same (this is day 2 at this dose) I'm hoping that this will be the miracle I need as at the moment I am no use to anyone and my husband is having to do everything & I can't go anywhere that I would normally (shops,etc) even the school run is really hard & I don't do often. Have been feeling a bit strange today, not sure if it is the increased meds or not,didn't know if I would have any side effects by increasing them ?

Whoa that went from being a little about me to quite a lot, well done & thank you if you got this far, it's much appreciated.
Looking forward to chatting to people in the same position as myself.

21-04-10, 16:21
Hi Bexmumto3

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

21-04-10, 17:59
Hi Becca

:welcome:to NMP. It's great that you've joined. There is so much information & help here.

Best wishes :hugs:

Vanilla Sky
21-04-10, 20:14
Hi Becca and welcome to NMP :welcome: Paige x

22-04-10, 19:51
you have to give new meds a chanc it can take a little while but you will soon feel better if you want message me

23-04-10, 03:18
Hi becca, welcome to the forums! :hugs:

23-04-10, 19:20
Hi Bex.

I know exactly what you are going through and it appears i suffer very similarly to you. Ive suffered on and off since 2007/8 and it has ruined my life, after talking to work colleges today ive realised that im not the only one and decide to come on here and chat about the problems.

Ive taken Fluxotine for 6 months but since the death of close friends family and my mothers illness all of my negativity has come back.